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Would It Be Weird If I Went Out With 6 Men?

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abbeylee90 | 18:33 Thu 07th Dec 2023 | Family & Relationships
108 Answers

One of my male friends is going put tomorrow with 5 male friends and invited me don't know if it abit strange 



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Why has my post been removed? I don't believe that I have broken any Site Rules

I deleted it because in my opinion, your post was rude and intolerant.



I am not up to date with Abbey and I do not know who the man from dog walking is.  I used to have fantastic fun with a guy who was older than my grandfather so for me an older man is not an issue.  But I am not Abbey and I do not think it is possible to judge. 

It is clear that you are weighing these things up for yourself, Abbey, which is great!  You have obviously thought that this might be a bit weird or strange.  Go with that instinct rather than seeking the approval of others.  Learn to trust that instinct.  And learn to have confidence in your own decision.  Whatever YOU decide is right.

Rude and Never. Just truthful.

I've not seen Tilly's comment...but in my opinion, she is never  rude or intolerant. 

Thank you, Pasta.🙂

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My dad is there to help our he don't go to work and he will pick up shopping 

Abbey, have you decided whether to go out with the... old chap and all his friends?

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No I'm not 

Thank goodness!!

I think Tills is thweet

pp I won't say what I think of you !!!!!

Genuine genuine question, so pls don't delete me lol, but are all of abbeylee's posts genuine?? Purely going on all the comments, and also that 76 posted questions in just a few months seems an awful lot! Like I said, it's just a genuinely curious question.

Yes they are, Smow. 

I'm sitting here in shock at the thought of Tilly being rude.  


Report the reporter Tills.

Whe n I was young I would gladly go out with two male friends I knew and trusted and four others I didn't know.  Friends are friends whether male or female regardless of age.  If you feel happy to go then go.  Who knows the others might end up being friends too.  You might end up meeting the love of your life.  Dad will be looking after Mum.  

I have my doubts,but it seems a bit strange that Abbey seems to have a lot of job refusals,a lot of men(young and old)hanging around with her,multiple problems with her parents.Maybe its just modern life nowadays.Anyway best wishes Abbey ,from Miffy.

Barmaid is right do what you want to do.  If you have doubts then don't go.  Be your own person.  

Smow^^^^You do know that before she was 'abbeylee90' her user name was 'abbeyleigh' and she kept AB going with her posts about   --what shall I wear, colour of her hair, nails and boyfriends ,. Oh and driving lessons  etc. etc. She did say early on that she had a mental issue that made it difficult for her to make decisions. Nevertheless her last post was getting nowhere at all . I don't remember Tilly's exact words but I don't think it was offensive . Basically she just said that she would not contributing any more to abbey's thread.

Abbey has mentioned several times before that she finds the male friend, in his 60s, rather creepy and says he seems 'obsessed' with her. She sought advice - on AB - before, when earlier outings were suggested. She also said that if and when she gets a proper boyfriend, she'd want very little to do with the guy. Maybe Abbey would have a great, fun time with five random oldies, but...

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