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Is This Guy A Waste Of Space?

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abbeylee90 | 18:52 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
175 Answers

This guy I been chatting on snapchat who I met on dating app. He wanted to meet last Saturday but said didn't feel well and tbh I was tired. He said we will rearrange which I was fine with but I haven't heard since.



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Abbey, why don't you join in with some of the other posts for a change? Get to know people.
21:26 Tue 03rd Sep 2024

Naomi like I wrote I barely read this rubbish. My thoughts are anyone new coming on here reading this obvious dribble will go elsewhere . 

You're all heart, Auntypoll.  My post stands.  

Best for you to avoid Abbey's posts altogether, Auntypoll.  As you rightly say newcomers will find some posters attitudes towards her off putting 

abbeylee certainly seems to have her problems Aunty.If it isnt her boyfriends(a zookeeper,i think at one time),it is her parents(who dont"understand"her),to her jobs(everything from being a fork-lift driver to a till operator),even her asking us ABers what to wear on a night out .Yes,abbeylee certainly seems to be a problem child.

Ynna, my earlier post applies to you too.  

Is this abbeylee a relation of yours Naomi?Asking for a friend.

No, ynna.  Now your friend knows and so do you.

Thanks for your answer Naomi.Now my friend wonders whether abbeylee is just a plant posted on Answerbank just to attract new ABers.I told her no,you are just being stupid, Answerbank wouldnt stoop so low.Would it Naomi?

Ynna, abbey is genuine.  Now change the record.

naomi how do you know she is genuine? this is a derious question. 'Because the editor says' is not an acceptable answer .  Like I said I could not care a less but you are so staunch in your support of her I figure you must know her personally. I could say I was the queen of Sheba, ask Ab's who my next conquest should be should I go for Solomon or swipe to the cheeky guy with a beard and tatoo. Then someone says 'oh dear I don't think you are real, so the editor emails me Queen of sheba at the mines dot com and I reasure him I really am the Queen of Sheba. Thank you, they say for verifing you are an independent woman ruling a fabulously wealthy Arabian kingdom to the south of Judah. So I am now real.  😂😂😂

Auntypoll, you've been told that abbey is genuine because she is.  The nature of any investigations the editors may conduct are always confidential so you figure whatever it suits you to figure.  Now stop with the third degree.   Abbey is not on trial here - and I'm not interested in your identity.  

Naomi,please don't tell me what to do, I'm not breaking any of the precious AB rules.  It was not that long ago you were slagging off the moderation on here bemoaning how biased it was and now you are flying the flag for AB. Crack on ,most people on here know whats what and are having a bit of fun at the expense of a user who possible is vunerable with special needs. The editors could not care a less as long as people are using the site, which is unacceptable to most people. 

Auntypoll, the editors don't have to justify themselves to you - and neither do I.  If you don't like abbey's threads stay away.  

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Now the guy I'm on about who wasn't well few weeks ago said he wants to meet tomorrow 

Is this the one who wanted you to stay at his house?

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No the police officer who said he will re arrange.

Are you going?

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Not sure see how I feel and if he replies tomorrow 

So you've responded to him.  What did you say?

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Should be ok

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