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Is This Guy A Waste Of Space?

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abbeylee90 | 18:52 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
175 Answers

This guy I been chatting on snapchat who I met on dating app. He wanted to meet last Saturday but said didn't feel well and tbh I was tired. He said we will rearrange which I was fine with but I haven't heard since.



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Abbey, why don't you join in with some of the other posts for a change? Get to know people.
21:26 Tue 03rd Sep 2024
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He's now messagʻed me back saying ignoring me is it

Don't open any more messages, and either block him or tell him you're not interested, unless you like the attention?

So you never did block him.

Can you block him, Abbey? If so, why haven't you done that already?

If you can't block him, just don't open any more messages from him - if he see you opening them, he might think there's still a little bit of interest on your side.

I wonder if abbey doesn't block him as she likes the attention- it's human nature for many

Block him now or he will carry on being a pest

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He it all *** his life atm well I haven't got time to feel sorry for him after what happened to me last week 

Why do you even read his messages if you're not interested? 

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Coz it annoying me popping up 

Why can't you block him?

What on earth does "He it all *** his life atm well" mean?

Tell him you're not interested in casual relationships so not to bother to contacting you again.  Then block him.

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Pete ***

Pete65.... that's how abbey ususally writes on here. She must capable of writing clearly as she achieved the top grade at GCSE English but is too eager to post and must post without thinking through what she's trying to say, without checking it makes sense and in her haste doesn't faff around with spelling or punctuation.

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It's not me it's this site I wrote *** 

From what I can see 'a waste of space' is more common than I previously knew.

Abbey, you seem to have kept the guy as a contact, someone who could message you -and now you're getting all flustered because he messaged and asked how you were! Do you not realise how daft that is? If you didn't want any contact, why didn't you block him? Do you think you'll do that now - or will you wait another few weeks, months?

Abbey, in case you've forgotten - if you see a message from him, you are not compelled to open it. That may be less drastic than you blocking him, though I don't know why you're so reluctant.

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Even said he may come work with me haha

Abbey, this latest 'drama' reminds me of all the stuff and nonsense with the old guy (from the dogs home). You decided to have nothing more to do with him - and then carried on having conversations, little 'jokes' etc. Is there a part of you that thinks any male attention is better than none? The latest ' he even says he'll come to work with me ha ha' stuff sounds like what we did when we were around 13 or 14! 

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