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Is This Guy A Waste Of Space?

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abbeylee90 | 18:52 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
175 Answers

This guy I been chatting on snapchat who I met on dating app. He wanted to meet last Saturday but said didn't feel well and tbh I was tired. He said we will rearrange which I was fine with but I haven't heard since.



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Abbey, why don't you join in with some of the other posts for a change? Get to know people.
21:26 Tue 03rd Sep 2024

He probably thinks you're not interested and you let him down gently.

"waste of space"? bit judgemental from a single message!!!

It's a waiting game, Abbey ...  have patience. 😊

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He messaged me saying he didn't feel well so couldn't go out 

Ohhh ... he didn't feel well.  I thought you meant you didn't feel well.  If you like him message him and ask how he is.

How long before you are asking which outfit to wear when you meet him......or not!?

Abbey, the guy wasn't well on Saturday. It's now Tuesday - only a couple of days later - and you're wondering if he's a 'waste of space' because he hasn't been in touch. Don't you feel you're being a bit too quick to judge?

Maybe he is still feeling unwell and isn't sure when he;s going to be well enough for a date. Maybe send a quick message asking how he is.

It's only been 3...three...

What on earth will you wear and will you take time off if you eventually meet him?

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Well I've spike to him before and he let me down 

Can I ask how old are you Abbey? 

...days! Maybe he's still unwell...has working. You're being too impatient and a bit judgemental. 

Sorry...keyboard was misbehaving 

Seems to be groundhog day.....again!

When did he let you down Abbey?  Saturday?  The guy wasn't well.

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32 and we've spoken on and off before last year and beginning of the year.

Which one was that Abbey - there were several in your life which were a bit dubious for one reason or another?

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None of the ones I know I mentioned to you 

You did mention one with piercings, one with stains on his pants, one who was dining out with his parents and I can't remember the others.

It all seems very immature.

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