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Is This Guy A Waste Of Space?

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abbeylee90 | 18:52 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
175 Answers

This guy I been chatting on snapchat who I met on dating app. He wanted to meet last Saturday but said didn't feel well and tbh I was tired. He said we will rearrange which I was fine with but I haven't heard since.



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Abbey, why don't you join in with some of the other posts for a change? Get to know people.
21:26 Tue 03rd Sep 2024
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The one wh asked me to stay at his and one who said he going travelling it's none of those 

How did he let you down?

Don't mean to sound offensive, I can't judge either of you as I don't know you. 

So take this with a pinch of salt, but you don't sound like someone who is 32.

I'm no relationship expert, made enough mistakes of my own over the years, but I do know if someone is keen enough on you, they should at least be in closer communication with you. 

Abbey, you seemed quite dismissive of the guy last time and now he's being considered a waste of space because he hasn't been in touch for three days? Are you sure you're interested in him? 

Of course she.isn't sure, that's why she is asking perfect strangers to decide for her.

32. Acting more like a 14 year old.

Wasn't there one with a beard as well?? 

It's the online connection Abbey needs, what she asks and what we answer is an utter irrelevance. Either play along or don't but don't waste too much effort trying to be helpful or logical. Pointless.

Oh the ultimate crime. Fancy having a beard !

I insist my crushes shave their chin !

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I've heard from wanted to meet tomorrow but can't as I got a friend's meal but said next Friday fine so will see.

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There's a guy I walked dogs with today who is lovely 

Sounds promising, Abbey. 😍

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About the guy meeting Friday or other one I met at dogs home today?

The one you met today at the dog walking ...  can you tell us a bit more about him?

Today-seems promising

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Only he don't live far from, age, where he works and lived alone.

That's gobbledygook, abbey

Not  the much older man you used totake gifts from?

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God no he younger than me

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New what does that mean?

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