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Is This Guy A Waste Of Space?

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abbeylee90 | 18:52 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
175 Answers

This guy I been chatting on snapchat who I met on dating app. He wanted to meet last Saturday but said didn't feel well and tbh I was tired. He said we will rearrange which I was fine with but I haven't heard since.



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Abbey, why don't you join in with some of the other posts for a change? Get to know people.
21:26 Tue 03rd Sep 2024

Your reply to new mod makes no sense It's gobboldygook

It means your post of 20:03 just didn't make sense. You really need to check what you type before you submit it.

abbeylee - you say that you passed English GCSE, but people are trying to understand your posts and failing to do so.  Please slow down, think and write coherently. Remember your English lessons, please.

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You asked what do I know about him so that the info I've given.

I suppose "gibberish" would have been a better way for me to describe it

OK, that was Hazlinny who asked what you knew about him.

when you say "Only he don't live far from, age, where he works and lived alone" I assume now you meant to say "...he doesn't live far from me/the dogs' home/ Selco..."

You could have said. He lives fairly close to me. He lives alone and told me how old he is and where he works

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Cal yes all that and he knows same info about me. 

Abbey I was just showing you how you could make your sentence understandable

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Advice how should i get chatting properly to the guy who goes to dogs home he goes mainly weekends 

It went well last time so just suggest you walk together again. And when you're chatting, if it goes well, suggest a date away from the dogs.

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When we had to go dog walking together as there were 2 frenchies so one of the staff asked do us two want to walk them before it's hot 

when you see him ask him if he fancies a coffee with you some time

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Never asked a guy out

so your question is really how do i ask him out without asking him out?


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I know that all I can do but nervous 

Abbey, suggesting a coffee - or a cool drink - isn't  really 'asking a guy out'. It's quite a casual thing, surely? Is there a part of you that likes making yourself nervous, giving yourself things to feel anxious about?

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Incase he doesn't like me.

Abbey, it's not the end of the world if he doesn't fancy a coffee with you. You said you got on well the other day, so he might be pleased with your suggestion. If you'd rather wait to see if he suggests anything, that's up to you. 

//Incase he doesn't like me.//

It would be a disappointment but at least you'd know where you stand. But he may be interested and be waiting for one of yyou to make a move- he may be as nervous as you are about making a move.

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