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Could My Brother Get In Trouble For Intentionally Crashing Into Someone While A Dog Was In His Car?

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Cindy1302 | 19:07 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
34 Answers

My brother was arrested last week, because he intentionally ran into another parked car, because they were driving recklessly. I guess he was driving on a one lane 5 mile an hour road with graval on both sides. A guy behind him sped up to 20 miles an hour to pass him, almost hitting people in the process. My brother tracked the guy down and found the guy in a parked car in a parking lot, then my brother ran into the other guys car. I didn't figure this out until a couple of days ago, buy our mom's dog was sitting in the back seat, and the impact caused him to fall onto the floor of his car. He wasnt harmed or anything. He called my mom to come to the scene, and he put her dog in my moms car before the cops came. Obviously he got arrested and went to jail for a couple hours, and his court date is coming up to see what his sentance is. I was thinking of telling the cops that there was a dog in the car. Do you think he'd be charged with animal cruelty? We are in oregon us.



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Just goes to show how much work goes into penning a best seller

hmmmm and now it has been removed.

A slip up perhaps?

Abbey posted in the wrong thread.

Good afternoon Naomi,

Of course she did anything else would just be ......

She did.  Do you have a problem with that, DDIL?

Meanwhile, in Moscow, Oleg returns from a liquid lunch and gets back to work

Not at all Naomi, I am just amazed at your new skill of mindreading.

Quite Douglas!

You know Naomi I have a massive amount of respect for you and always have. Posters regularly post on the wrong thread, it's absolutely no big deal. Surely you can see by removing abbey's, that probably lots saw, especially on this particular thread, was going to make people query why, blow it out of proportion and your overprotection of her? If it had been left it would have been forgotten about.

DDIL/Prudie, someone else, quite rightly, removed it.  Bearing in mind the subject of this thread, abbey's innocent reference to her date with a policeman tonight was way out of place here and could have been misconstrued by more than just you two ladies - so well done the mod who got there before me.  


Incidentally, DDIL, I'm not a mind reader.


Depends if it is his fault

Abbey, I think the question is that the police don't know there was a dog in the car and Cindy's wondering about telling them - and wondering if her brother could then be charged with animal cruelty. He's already been charged with the driving offence, offences.

Abbeylee90, does this sound deliberate?

"My brother tracked the guy down and found the guy in a parked car in a parking lot, then my brother ran into the other guys car."

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