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SarahGarza88 | 09:26 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
34 Answers

First I want to start off by thinking everyone so very much who has contributed to helping our daughter.  We have come a long way in getting her to be as independent as she can be. Clara is now seven years old, and has grown to be 1‘7“ and 19 pounds, for her birthday (which was recent)we would like to Let her experience what skiing is like. Can anyone think of a way that we could get her skiing with us independently?

In addition, would you have any concerns regarding the plane? We were going to bring her car seat, and our researching really well on this topic before we purchase the tickets. Would you have any suggestions on skis for Clara? Along with her equipment and outfit (gloves, goggles, ski mask, etc.)?


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19 pounds? seems light.

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Yes. she has dwarfism.

have you tried Little People UK ..Warwick  Davis is a patron 

Yes, looks like the Guiness Book of records needs updating

Sounds like any equipment might need to be specially made. Good luck with it.

09:33 how are we supposed to know that?

Because this user has been on before with equally incredulous questions 🙄

How long is her foot?  Will she be able to get ski boots to fit? Skiskates would be the obvious choice as they are very small but her feet are likely to be too small.  

Is this a wind-up ? Haven't we been here before?

The world's verified smallest adult was only one and a half inches taller than Clara

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Measuring her foot in links, it is around 1.75 inches. 

barry et al, don't fall for it.

That is far smaller than the average newborn baby.  The skis would have be specially made as would the gloves.  You could take her sledging at a ski resort but I don't think skiing would be possible.  She's so small that a skisuit would severely restrict her range of movement.  

09:44 so we must review the past posts of every poster? Right oh!

Khandro, it is a good mental exercise, working out the potential problems.  I've got a spare few minutes. 😉

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Good suggestion. With sledding though, would there be anything Clara could do herself? The reason I was saying skiing was because for one, she was asking me, and number two, there's something that she would have done independently (at least a little bit), would there be something she could do herself for sledding?

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I'm just trying to help my daughter be independent. A few of her friends have gotten to go skiing and she was asking me about it. 

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also, just rereading this, and I don't appreciate you referring to Clara as a Barbie doll.

As skiing tends to take place in hillier or even mountainous areas I'd be keeping a lookout for eagles etc on the hunt for easy prey.


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