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Do I Invite Other Friend Out?

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abbeylee90 | 20:31 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
229 Answers

Me and my friend are going out Friday to m&c and cinema but I just wondered if I should invite my friend who I mentioned doesn't bother with me on another thread.



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Abbey, my mum used to say 'you are judged by the company you keep' - and that's true.  It was good advice then and it's still good advice.  Choose your friends wisely - don't let those who aren't good for you choose you.   
13:36 Wed 16th Oct 2024

Thanks, Abbey - but did she pay her share of the taxi when out with you? I'm afraid the other stuff would put me off her anyway - going on about herself, being sick, pulling your hair and so on, as well as the previous history of trying to take a guy for a mug. She wouldn't be my idea of a good pal!


It seems as though Abbey is reliving 18 to 25 years old behaviours. 

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She got her own taxi after but she said she got home and got attacked by her sister who I've met loads of times and can't imagine her attacking she's also smaller than her 

Abbey, I've looked back at the start of this thread - are you sure you want to go on holiday with this friend? That evening with her sounded awful, could you stand a week of her company?

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No unless my other friend comes.

I think you should say 'No'.

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I haven't mentioned it since

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Obviously was  hammered as she led us to a bar without saying where she was taking us

More fool you for following.

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What should have I done?

You should have just said 'No, I don't want to go in there. I'm going home...or wherever else you wanted to go.'

If your friend said she was going to jump off a cliff, would you follow?

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No she didn't even say where we were obviously they didn't know she was drunk.

Abbey, my mum used to say 'you are judged by the company you keep' - and that's true.  It was good advice then and it's still good advice.  Choose your friends wisely - don't let those who aren't good for you choose you.   

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So do you agree that why she single and don't keep her friends?

Abbey, if this girl is as awful as you've made her sound, why did you even want to have a Friday night out with her? You've said you have friends, but the ones you've talked about don't sound great!

PS I don't expect anyone here will know why she is 'still single and doesn't keep her friends'.

Abbey, do you like her?

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Because she hadn't done it before. 

Naomi mostly she is ok

Abbey, what do you want from the friendship?

To blindly follow a drunk girl shows little self awareness.  I think you need to sit down and write down what you want from life and how you will achieve it.

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Do I Invite Other Friend Out?

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