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Hi JF, hope you�re well.
That is so good to hear, it makes me all the more determined to find my Dad.
I can understand your Mum�s concerns, but as you said, this was not about upsetting her�It was for you.
It must have been sooo exciting to discover that you have three half brothers, that leaves you with more to look forward to in the future�If you decide to meet them that is.
Hopefully one day, I�ll be able to pick up the phone and say hi to my Dad and ask him how he is�That would be amazing.
Obviously there is the worry that he has moved on in life and does not want the hassle of re uniting with his daughter/s, if this is the case though, I�d be happier knowing.
Does your Dad live nearby to you? Does he have a partner and if so, was there any animosity towards you from them?
Tell me if I�m being nosey, it�s just fab to hear of a success story�I�m happy for