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If you have a good recipe, share it with other AnswerBankers here!...
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I would like to cook a Beef Sizzler steak in the Oven ~ was thinking of dressing it and put in foil but do not know for how long to cook it? I do not want to fry or grill. Thanking you.
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We reverted to Friday fish today and very nice it was battered cod fillet from Sainsbury's. A few fries and some peas, tartar sauce  or hollandaise sauce, very tasty. I may buy some tuna... ...
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Which is the best, from either M&S, Aldi or Lidl please?  Glenmorangie getting a tad expensive!! 
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I'm stuck with what to have for lunch and dinner but don't know if it a bad thing
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If they were ground using a mortar and pestle would they retain all their nutritional value?
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I have a packet of cooked chicken breast in the fridge that has to be used by today. Would you eat it tomorrow?  I am usually cautious with meat or fish but I am too tired to eat anything now.  I... ...
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Currently enjoying one with juice of half a lime, a big ice cube and a small can of tonic. It's surprisingly good. We have some Helsinki dry gin waiting for us to try too,and something called Wood... ...
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We had some Costco cooked chicken, a few sweet potato hash browns and shop bought cheesy coleslaw, very tasty. Have mainly lost the plot with proper cooking lately 😕 Am just about to have some... ...
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I've been thinking I should cut back on the bread.  Boiled eggs without toast would be like fish and chips without vinegar. What other way to cook eggs so they can be eaten without bread?
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The tinned kind, that is - not the dodgy elecronic stuff. I'm checking through my small 'emergency' stock of food in the garage (power cuts, snowed in etc..) and this tin has passed its use by date... ...
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Why didn't anyone tell me how moorish these little cakes were?!..Mmm, they are so yummy! Often wondered what they were like. My granddaughter picked them out last week when we went shopping in... ...
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I've just eaten a banana - well one bite of a banana.  It tasted a bit 'woody' but apart from that nothing.  Horrible.  Bananas seem to be going that way more and more now but I've no idea why.  I... ...
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With a lovely tomato sauce, followed by strawberries, Madeira cake and cream is what we've just had, makes a change from Friday fish. You having anything tasty tonight??
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As per the title, what can I add to keto flour to make it rise like proper bread should ?   Boring details follow:   I wanted to bake low carb bread so found one of the recipes for "keto" flour on the... ...
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Well, mini is a bit of a misnomer...they're enormous but totally irresistible! You get six in a box, filled with jam and fresh cream and they really are delicious.
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Does anyone know what the meat product I used to eat in the 50s and 60s was called?  A thick sausage in some sort of wrapper, pale pink on the inside eaten as it came in a sandwich or fried.  I... ...
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I am very bored, so I have formed a question that I can't find an answer to on Google.   Is mango soup a dinner item or a dessert?   I have seen recipies for both, but I want to know what the intended... ...
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My 13 yr old grandson will be round for dinner tomorrow. He had braces fitted yesterday and they are causing a lot of pain.  I was going to do steaks but now need to make some soft food. What can... ...
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Food Fairy
Hello,  I received a 2ltr container of double cream from Olio and decided to make some butter. It worked really well and I got 1kg of butter from 2ltrs of cream plus 750ml of buttermilk. Now, I... ...
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I had a pack of sausages that were in date that ballooned up in the fridge yesterday with noticable signs of mould growing in side. I took them back to the supermarket and had a refund (£2) but I... ...

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