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ABSpareEditor | 16:21 Tue 07th Feb 2023 | Food & Drink
51 Answers
If you have a good recipe, share it with other AnswerBankers here!


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Is this going to be a new category or a one-off?
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It's a 'sticky' thread in Food & Drink.
I forgot we had that.
Does the food have to be "sticky" eg sticky toffee pudding, sticky rice, sticky chicken wings etc?
gingejbee, no need to get stuck up about it. :-) x
^I got stuck thinking of any more sticky things!
Can you believe that until a few weeks ago, I had never cooked risotto. But for those with an Instant Pot/Ninja/Pressure cooker this has become a favourite. There are no quantities other than use 1:2 - 1 cup of rice and 2 cups stock.

1. Saute finely chopped onions and garlic in butter until softened.
2. Stir in mushrooms (I use a frozen mushroom medly from Tescos) until they are coated in butter.
3. Add rice - it must be arborio or carneroli and make sure it is nicely coated with the butter.
4. Add half a glass of white wine (if you can spare it).
5. Put your stock in - good quality veg or chicken stock (I use my own or Knorr stock pots). Make sure you deglaze the pan properly.
6. Set to high pressure and on a timer for 7 mins. (Ie 7 mins from when pressure is reached).
7. Do a quick pressure release when time is up. It will look watery when you first take the lid off but stir it and leave for 2 mins.
8. Serve with shavings of parmesan.

(I have successfully changed this to omit mushrooms and instead done ham and pea - defrost peas and stir in at the end or chicken and lemon with mixed soft herbs - stir herbs in at the end)
Oh wow, I'd not idea you could do a risotto in a Ninja! Beats standing over the pan constantly stirring and adding liquid.
Depends what sort of Ninja you've got, Zacs.
Yeah, I did read the 'pressure cooker' bit, Baz. Which, luckily, we have!
Could you collect all the recipes and make them into a book, possibly raising a few quid for the site?
I've started using my slow cooker again and found out it can be used for making cakes.
I will look for a recipe that can be made in a SC if anyone is interested.
More people will have the Ninja so recipes for that would be useful.
I love my slow cookers, so would welcome a cake recipe.

Place medium sized egg in Air Fryer. Set temperature to 180, timer to 4½ minutes, cook it, let it stand in machine for 1 minutes after cooking.

Use the result to experiment with the settings to achieve soft/hard result to suit your own tastes.

The above setting suits my tastes.
Barry, if you like fruit cake this is easy peasy. You can substitute or add things. I put glace cherries in mine.
My effort.
I have a cooking question.

Why does frozen and unfrozen bread come out of the toaster looking equally browned? I never use the defrost button. Surely the fresh bread should be much browner.!!
Barsel, that fruit cake looks lovely
Who decides what's a 'good' recipe?

Continue stirring until set. :-)
Frozen bread doesn't stay frozen for long once out of the freezer.

That's why the resulting toast all looks the same.
I think it would be really helpful if recipes are headed with will be easier to find something specific within the thread if required.

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