Quizzes & Puzzles0 min ago
my wife got me abeer making kit for xmas and it says that i need 40 one leater bottles with lids and i thort that maybe just a couple of empty bottles of coke would do the job is this true or not will...
Does anyone know....if you have an unopened bottle of Brandy or Whiskey...nothing special...lets say something like Famous Grouse....but it was bought in 1986....will it improve with age or would it...
the answer is a drink
Where does the term "Charge your glasses" originate from?
Which is the newest Speyside Distillery?
a italian white wine ?r?s?a?i
I will mostly drinking 2 pints of the above beverage tonight:-)))))))
It says on the bottle The name `Tonic Wine` does not imply health giving or medicinal properties`. What I want to know is, how can it be therefore a tonic, and moreover, is it a pleasant taste, and,...
Anyone know of a Central Scotland stockist of Irish Mist whiskey liqueur?
Is it just a thing of the past? I ask as one of my friends mentioned she was having a Brandy and I thought-hmm that would go down nicely at this time of night. So I checked cupboard and a nice bottle...
have a few questions about this drink as I've not made one before; We all have stinking colds - will this help as a 'pick me up'? What ratio of whiskey / ginger wine do you use? Would you use a normal...
Saturday GK Crossword from Saturday Telegraph website
Does anyone know how much it costs for a pint at Aintree race course?
I've heard it's about £3 but need this confirming as I'm on a budget :-(
Thanks in advance.
Not sure if this is the right category for this question, but can not see where else it would go? I have recently disposed of, or should I say, recycled in the normal plastic banks vast amounts of...
Can anyone give me info on a bottle of Chateau Beauregard (Pomerol) which I received as a gift some years ago. It is a 1998 vintage.
Are they some kind of braille or or they from the moulding process. These arent the dots at the base of the bottle.
When travelling recently, I called at the EAT stall at Paddington. I bought a bottle of water orange lemon flavour, which had no added sugar. I should like to obtain a further supply. Does anyone know...
I have a bottle of whisky which is unopened but the problem is that I've had it for at least 15 years.Will it be O.K. to drink or will it be "off"?
why not
Does anyone now if the tassimo pods fit in a dolce gusto coffee machine....