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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Morning all ..I think .
Lovely and bright but still cold ,real feel of Oc here .I hope you've changed into your thermals underway Jno .You'll need them when you step off the plane .
I've had a rotten nights sleep and feel as if I've been dragged through a hedge backwards today .Hope everyone is Ok though .KBO.
Back from coffee, it is blowing a hooley out thee and it is cold! Thee were crashes and bangs and things falling off of balconies, I was quite frit!
Grr, just lost Sky cos the stupid supplier didn't see my text of 3 weeks ago telling him I had a new c/card number, but apparently he is doing it straight away huh!

Also had to get thyroid med and it was due in in, one hour so I said I'd call back and of course I forgot. Hope I remember tomorrow.
At last, Sky TV is back on and hija has gone for an inbterview in a shoe shop!

Toe is throbbing like billyo as I was on a swimming pool ladder in the bedroom hurling plastic bags of boots and winter things into my vast top of the wardrobe and I knocked it again. Wardrobe slightly emptier now.
Am I talking to myself? Won't be the first time!

Just made pork satay with fried noodles with peppers(red and yellow), garlic, parsley and onions, delicious, this being down to jno!! Mr N will not eat satay so he had a sauce made with toms, pepper (red and yellow)garlic, ginger, lime pickle, stock with a dash of ginger ale thrown in, very nice indeed he said!!
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Neti, what have you got against your poor toe. Hello all and a special wave to Lottie in case she is looking in. We did a ton of stuff today, the dogs supervised and are now am I. I thought of you tonight Neti, there is a new program on beeb2 called sewing bee, it's like bake off only it's sewing.
I love satay and the idea of a satay burger sounds lovely..must try it in the summer. If we ever get one that is....anyway sleep well all, oight oight.
Hello there mi 'earties!! How the devil are you all??

I have nothing personal against my toe woofy, it's just there and I go up ladders barefoot as it's easier and the damn toe just gets in the way! I try to remember to wear shoes or slippers but it's spring now and the feet like to be barefooted.

Also waves to Lottie x

I actually got Henry out yesterday and hoovered the house, he's getting heavier by the minute so I don't bother too often. I ofter use a broom for the carpet but it does make a mess!
Morning...bright, breezy and meagre temperatures again.
Think my headache has finally gone (fingers crossed), had another day of it yesterday. Now I've got three days and a missing hour to catch up on. Really, really not looking forward to going out in this wind.
I think my dyson's gaining weight too neti.
Hello all
Bright and breezy here too .Still cold though .Supposed to warm up a tad at the weekend though .Hope you are all Ok .I feel a bit out of sorts .I need to go out ,as haven't been out since last Thursday.So am off to the library and Wilkinsons .I need to buy a lightbulb .Oh the excitement :)
Hello each, poor Robi I just cannot imagine what you go through, and now there's shaney feeling in the dumps, come one girls, this'll cheer you up, it is hot here and sweti, jeans plimsolls and a tee shirt were too much to wear!!!
Well it was ok on the way there...and hell on the way back aginst the wind. No prizes for guessing what the main topic of conversation was.

I've got a packet of Tuc biscuits here, haven't had any for years, and a lump of cheese...mmmm
I've just had an email from someone who says "We miss you 'robi' "...
unfortunately it's not the Chippendales or a group of rich nigerian princes, just the knitting gotta love 'em.
Lol ..I've got a fresh cream apple turnover .
It's bitter out there .Lovely and sunny but my eyes were streaming with the cold wind .
Good job I didn't have full slap on or I would have looked like a clown .
Good Evening Each.. Hope you are all ok and recovering from the 'blues', the aches, and the pains. Also I hope you had a happy Easter. I've had a bit of a bad back but it is on the mend now. It's lifting my case on and off 3 trains to get home. If I tell you that the station I get my train from was having a makeover last weekend and was closed from Friday until yesterday, and when I went to get my train it was chaos and my direct train was cancelled. The next one an hour later was also cancelled so I did a detour, via Oxford and Birmingham New St. The train I got on there was ironically the 3rd direct train which I could have got on if I had waited at the original station. Are you with me, I hope so. I could have had a nice lunch there instead of having to wait until I got home.

Anyway I'm here and I had a lovely weekend. The weather was very sunny but so cold because of the very strong wind. We met up with my brother and his girlfriend on Easter Sunday which was good as I don't see him that often.
I've kept up with reading all your posts but I'm not very good at writing from my phone so here I am instead.
My next job is to get my season ticket for The Rams. If I don't get it before 15th it'll cost me £25 more.
Jno get home safe and sound. I hope you had a great time.
Hi Lottie if you're around. It would be good to have you back so I hope you feel like it soon. Take care.
Shaney I missed SOtD on Monday and I'm sure the week before I didn't get as many (maybe 3 or 4)as you did - well done!

I'm off now to see if there's any sport on anywhere.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Just had a big row with Mr N so I flounced, have left all the washing up and my dinner and am in bedroom!
I sunbathed for an hour this pm, just wearing a sarong and panties, and now my face is bright red, not sure if it's BP or sunburn! I look a right t*t!!

Hija has washed up and cleared the kitchen. I am not speaking to Mr N.
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Neti go and talk nicely to mr n and stop flouncing. We went out for lunch today and did some shopping. It's really nice just hanging out together.
I seem to have said this a million times but isn't it cold......
Channelling healing and warming thoughts towards all aches pains and sadnesses.
ooh, can I flounce from an entire country, please, it is PERISHING here and to think yesterday I was still basking by the blue Pacific. It was so cold I crawled into bed to warm up and wouldn't you just know it I slept for 6 hours so now I am back in the blue Pacific time zone, which is the last thing I wanted. I was supposed to stay awake all day and sleep at night only.

I did get an upgrade on the flight, to a lie-flat bed, so that is new for me. I was trying to watch Life of Pie, I mean Pi, but first it wouldn't give me movies at all, then it screened it but only with a track of supermarket music on a loop, then it stopped again, then it started properly but all in French while also stuffing up my remote so I couldn't turn off the screen or the overhead light or anything. So anyway they took pity on me and took us up to Oligarch Class for the night. So that was extreeeeemly nice. Shame it was already dark so I couldn't see all the buttons to play with. (Still didn't see Llfe of Pi as now the headphones weren't working, but hey ho I just had to sleep properly instead.)
I've been a couch spud all evening .I even had my dinner on a tray .How very lazy :)
Watched The Village ( undecided)
Dallas .Must have my Dallas dose .
Hairy Bikers Best of British .They made a yummy pie .
Coast ..interesting as usual .The showed the first Zeppelin raids in WW1 which were here in Gt Y.
Scott & Bailey .Very good .
Yoohoo Jude .Glad to see you are home safe in spite of the roundabout journey .
Kiss and make up Neti .Life is too short for rows and flouncing .
Not cold your way Woofy ? it's freezing here !
Oight Oight lovelies .Sleep toight.
Oh yoohoo Jno .Glad to see you back safe and sound .
That sounds like a good upgrade .Did they provide microwave slippers :)
Keep warm .
Oight Oight ....hope you soon get back to normal from the jet lag.

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