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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Anyonbe seen Labyrinth? I am half way through it but not too shure whether to see the rest or not.
erm, I'm sure I've looked at Labyrinth but it hasn't stuck in my mind.
Didn't watch the race, it was too lovely outside, I'm glad I saved my money. Won £3 on thunderball last night, woo!
Hopefully I'll sleep tonight after some fresh air.
Just having a Baileys to drown my sorrows. The Rams lost in the 93rd minute. I walked all the way there and back and it's done me good.
Didn't have a bet on the Gee Gees. I don't know what to do. I only used to have a go in the sweep at work.
I'm really getting in the mood for gardening would you believe so I hope it stays like this tomorrow so I can get cracking. I'm actually sitting with the back door open. First time this year!!
Off now for to do some fish/chips/peas. I have a lovely piece of cod.
Laters 'gaters
Hija just made a lovely tuna and spinach lasagne and crisp salad, very acceptable, and she's washed up and cleaned the kitchen. I am bathed and tucked up in bed watching "The Voice" for want of anything better. Not much on TV tonight!

How is jno, has she been carried off by the ants a la Gulliver and the little people???
jude would that be a codpiece!
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Hello all we had actual warm sun today. We gardened ourselves to a standstill, dogs included and then had lobster for dinner (dogs had chicken) they were frozen lidls lobsters, the last of the Christmas stash and a complete steal.
The shirts I bought from m and s don't fit, so we are taking them back tomorrow and I bought some more online today. One of the shirts I am returning just wasn't the same shape as me which is fair enough, but the other one was cotton and the sleeves were so narrow I couldn't get my hands and wrists down them.....most odd.
Anyway time to rest my aching bones.....oight oight all
OH and I have both got colds, which is what old people get when they fly round the world in enclosed capsules with other people then land in a freezer somewhere and can't sleep. I suppose it is a minor matter compared to what some biddies go through but just at the moment I have Niagarosis of the Nosis and I'd probably best go look for another bucket to fill.
Good morning.

Oh jno, poor thing.

Woofy you did well all that gardening, you should come here! I never buy clothes online cos they would never fit. I used to buy from a Spanish catalogue and the clothes were OK, but had to pay for any returns and I got fed up with it. I like to try before I buy.

Hija went to the opening of a fairy-themed hotel and it was amazing apparently, I will have to trot along and have a look.

I was really chilly here yesterday had to put on pj's again. I casted my clout before May was out, that'll learn me!!!
I don't believe it. I put a post on about the codpiece Neti and it's disapppeared.
Never mind....wasn't very funny.
Get well soon Jno. Woofy I have to admit I haven't started gardening yet. I couldn't resist going for a lovely walk. I walk up the road near me that leads off the up to the villages near me and then back through Elvaston Castle. I walked for 1½ hours. I'm really getting back into it thanks goodness. I'm now sitting looking out the open back door at the garden :) just looking at the mo! Lostening to the Travelling Wilburys CD. Love it.
Hope all's well with every body.
See yer later 'gater(s)

I've not been on the Baileys honest just can't type properly today..
Hi folks
What a lovely sunny day. We still have that chilly east wind though .There's always an onshore breeze here though ,little or much or a ten force gale !
Hope you are all ok .Sorry to hear you've got the snuffles Jno ,hope it clears up fast .Apart from bunged sinuses I've managed to avoid a full blown cold so far this winter ,says she, knocking on wood .
I've done a pit of pootling dans le jardin .Nothing strenuous though,just a bit of mophead snipping and birdbath scrubbing ,wiped round the window sills and that's it .
Looking forward to Foyle tonight .Last one :(
Foyle's - last one? it's onoly been on once hasn't it??

Just saw Robi's post about Corrie's cannabis cakes, I had some once at a wedding (it was described as a weeding cake) well I have never in my life and will never again, I threw myself into a huge catcus patch, was wearing a long leather coat and didn't feel a thing, apparently I was rather noisey for the rest of the night but we were partying so it didn't matter! My family still remember it! bit in all innocence I didn't know that the chocolate layer of the cake was cannabis and the white sponge was for the vicar and normal folk, the vicar also went for the choccy bit, and we couldn't get him home, had the time of his life! This was in 1973!
We 3 went to Ibiza old town and looked at the old port and the rough bit where we had all partied at different times in out lives, ahh memories!! Then we went to San Jordi nr the airport where we ate all we could in the Wok chinese restaurant, I ate so much sushi (I love the stuff), now back in bed with a cuppa! Had a lovely day!

GARDEN?? what's that then??
Question Author
well we went into town, returned the blouses what don't fit, bought two more, have just tried them on and they don't fit either.

Fed up fed up to quote someone.

Not really, we had a nice time and I found some pretty china.
They only made three this time Neti .
Two have been shown already .This is the last for now .
Chher up woofy at least you are shopping!

Oh shaney I have only seen Eternity ring, must download the other one, thanks for that.
A'noon folks...well it's clouded over now but it's not been bad at all again today. Two days on the trot in the garden, mostly standin' and starin', makes you forget your cares for a while...oooh, it's almost like the olden days when you could go out every day. I'm bloomin' tired I know that, if it's not my own aliments/worries keeping me awake it's crying tots (next door). I'm allergic to them, they bring me out in a rage.

Evening each! You're making me feel guilty about my garden now... I really will attempt to do it tomorrow.
Looking forward to Foyles War tonight. I really enjoy it.
Pots to wash now as usual..Laters 'gaters
Just caught up with the missing Foyle, and I did actually follow it. Now ready for the last one. Waiting to see "off their rockers". bet we could teach them a thing or two.

Poor Robi with all your lurgies, tell you something, if you stood in my garden for 10mins, you'd be suicidal, it is a complete jungle, but we do not waste precious water on it. But I wish it was more tidy!
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Have just enjoyed Foyle. Endeavour starts next week and the pilot was good....
Oight oight all

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