ChatterBank4 mins ago
getting my ex back...
44 Answers
alright people, I've never used an online site before for help but I really need advice. DESPERATELY. I recently met up with my first love, whome I was with for 2 years when I was only 15 years old. He was my first and I was his. Our love was VERY strong, very real, romantic & unlike any relationship I have before. We used to watch the stars together in the long grass and talk about life and aliens etc, we'd be so so romantic & it was REAL first love. Both know it. I ended it when I was a young girl of 17years old. Regretted it but once I regretted it things were too late and he was over it. We was both young kids. Anyways I am a grown adult now of 24 years old. We remained good friends and spoke to each other often via facebook and occasional texts. Last Friday he asked me to meet up for drinks. Soon as I seen him ALL the feelings came back. We had a great night out, total laugh which ended in us sleeping together & he stayed at mine. He had to go to football in the afternoon & kept setting him snooze button hesitating to go. he once got all ready and was at the door then said "I want to stay ten more minutes & took his shoes back off. He told me in the morning when we was kissing that I was beautiful & I made him feel nervous, I asked why and he said he didnt know. He left telling me to text him. Only 2 seconds later he text me haha. We text all saturday & sunday. Monday & Tuesday he only text in the morning and stopped about 1 in the afternoon, when he text this morning i told him he didnt need to text me because he felt he kinda had to, and he replied he was only texting as he was bored but he will stop. I told him to take care and he never replied. Our texts are mostly him name calling and playing about stuff like he'll say 'I hate your face so much' and 'i want someone to rub baby oil onto me' or 'you have a face like a bag of smashed crabs' lol I know its all play talk though. Never saying anything about meeting up again or our past though etc. Heres the bad bit.....I think, emphasis on THINK, that he may have a girlfriend (facebook reasons too long to get into, although he dont have a relationship status on at the moment but this girl writes stuff that appears to indicate there may be something there). I ask how can I get him back. Dear lord, someone please, PLEASE, help me. I LOVE this guy so much. I really do. I dont want any advice on getting over him, I want to know how I need to act to get him back. guys, this guy was EVERYTHING to me, we camped in the snow, had mud fights, used to throw each other in the rver, candle lit picnics, do romantic things...we was SO close we just met too young. Im HEARTBROKEN.I also need opinions on the issue of him maybe liking me??? or was I just sex? HELP please im so distraught x
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.So sorry to say this, but I think you are being used here!........he only texts at certain times!.........because he's not with his partner/gilfriend at those times!............he also insults you when he feels like doing so!........he has said that he only texts you when he is bored!...............wise up girl!........he's most definately using you! should stop texting/replying to him forthwith!........don't make yourself miserable!..........he's clearly not worth it!.........
despite being straight out and asking him I am SO scared to hear what I dont want to hear if I ask. I feel scared to ask incase he rejects me. The love I have for him is strong I dont think I could handle rejection from him. It sounds so sad, but guys I have NEVER felt this way over anyone before. Its crazy. Im crying my eyes out
Have been in similar situation. Always runs back to his gf im afraid then made out like he had to let ME down gently.. But truth is i came to my senses and thot what the hell am i doing!! Will always have feelings for him but wil never ever go back there again cos i was being used!! I think to get ur answer you have to put your heart on the line an say how you feel. The worst he can say is NO, and at least you kno where u stand and can start trying to move on!! Good luck hunny! Feelings are a horrible thing sometimes xxxxx
I'm a lot older than you I suspect!........can't pretend to be wiser!.....but have more life experience!................move on girl!...........don't let this guy drag you down!........I was invloved with someone long time ago, thought he was the love of my life!.........wrong, he just gave me heartache!.....a few year later I met the real love of my life!.............I didn't believe that they made his kind!.....but there he was, and he loved me, and I love him!......he's the most caring loving man!..........still together!...............always will be!.......remember, you may need to kiss some frogs before you find YOUR prince!...........You'll find your's...........but it's not him!
yea tinkerbell, It hurts something horrible. I was awake til 4am last night, crying and unsure what to do. Its mostly because Ive NEVER loved this much. I am being used. I feel stupid, i just thought we'd rekindle what we used to have & I really felt like he and I had something magical as cringeworthy as that is to write. I still have him on facebook and in my phone. I dont think I could ever delete him. I see the good in him because I know he can be a nice guy. even though I know he's used me. should i delete him from facebook? and all his brothers and family? All my family have him too. They all loved him to bits :(
welsh i hope that is true. I worry i'll never find anyone like my first love he was everything and ive never found a guy like him yet. I hope I have what you have found in someone. Im an ok looking girl and I am a dead nice girlfriend too, just want this pain to go. How can I make this easier? Im so sorry for boring everyone :( x
Not boring me luv!....first I would cut all ties with him! point in keeping in touch with him if you want to move on with your life! (hard to do I know!, but necessary!) and then get on with your life, make new friends if you can, socialise, broaden your horizens!'ll be fine!......above all! strong!...........YOU deserve better!........and you can get it!....
Its so strange- i was in the EXACT same position. Once the fairytale wore off i realised that he has chanhed!!!! Still full o the charm and knows what to say! But not the same guy i loved. I try to just avoid him now because when i do c him i find it hard. I still think of what could hve been but it never will be!! Onwards and upwards missy!!! Dont let urself be used!! Last time
I did i was physically sick i felt so awful and i beat myself up about it for MONTHS! X
I did i was physically sick i felt so awful and i beat myself up about it for MONTHS! X