ChatterBank6 mins ago
Roasted Cauliflower
1 Answers
I was watching the BBC.One Show last week and Jay Rayner,was in Cornwell Looking at the cauliflower famers, and went to a hotel and the chef cooked caulifower in pastry, does anyone know what seasoning he put into it.
the recipe made it from twitter to the Washington Post http://www.w ashingtonpos all-we-can-e at/post/caul iflowers-140 -character-s tudy/2012/11 /08/e1adcbb6 -2931-11e2-b ab2-eda29950 ml
12:11 Wed 30th Jan 2013
the recipe made it from twitter to the Washington Post
http:// www.was hington m/blogs /all-we -can-ea t/post/ caulifl owers-1 40-char acter-s tudy/20 12/11/0 8/e1adc bb6-293 1-11e2- bab2-ed a299503 684_blo g.html