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Milk - Skimmed Or Semi Skimmed?

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Eve | 18:42 Mon 06th May 2013 | Food & Drink
47 Answers
I was chatting to someone the other day who said that skimmed milk is a bit of a con as, although it is lower in fat than semi-skimmed milk, they ramp up the sugar content to make it taste better.

I was checking a few labels earlier and seems they are right about the figures though which, if either, is actually better for you?


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Full fat only...or cream. I can't stand skimmed or semi-skimmed. They are like water.

I buy semiskimmed, but dilute it in the cup with water.
Would never occur to me to buy anything other than full fat milk (or full fat anything else come to that).
Neither. Me and the kids have unsweetened almond milk.

Hate cows milk.

0% plain yoghurt for me too, I honestly couldn't eat full fat anything.
Semi-skimmed for me................skimmed is like water.
I've heard that semi skimmed milk stunts your growth !.
soya for me, not really milk, but a better alternative
"I've heard that semi skimmed milk stunts your growth !."

What!?! Well that explains a lot....
Semi-skimmed, or whole for a treat. :)
Have used skimmed for many, many years. Nowadays full fat tastes as if it's gone off.
The last time I properly had full fat milk was probably when I was a kid, or living at home. Now, to me, it tastes almost greasy???
If I have full fat now it makes me want to puke.
There is a compromise - some supermarkets have a 1% milk which is between skimmed and semi skimmed

I can - just - tell the difference between it and semi skimmed but am happy with either
Agree Tony. It's so heavy.
I buy semi-skimmed now but when I was a child and the milk was delivered in bottles to the door, I used to get told off by my Mum for pinching the cream off the top of the milk. Ahh, happy days.
Skimmed is pointless - why bother with "milk" at all - just like water. 1% is just about OK, semi-skimmed the best all-rounder. Full-fat OK in coffee but greasy any other way.
Skimmed in my tea and semi skimmed on my muesli.
when you say they ramp up the sugar content, is it just that taking the fat out increases the proportion of naturally occurring sugars, perhaps? the only reason for skimmed milk, in my humble opinion, is if you are on a fat free diet. The fat in the milk helps to absorb the calcium.....and we all need some fat.
semi-skimmed, I remember as a child (when we had milk delivered) we always had a couple of regular milks (probibly full fat) and one gold top! which always had about an inch of cream on top! real incentive to get up first, washed and dressed so you could have the creamy top on your breakfast

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