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Milk - Skimmed Or Semi Skimmed?

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Eve | 18:42 Mon 06th May 2013 | Food & Drink
47 Answers
I was chatting to someone the other day who said that skimmed milk is a bit of a con as, although it is lower in fat than semi-skimmed milk, they ramp up the sugar content to make it taste better.

I was checking a few labels earlier and seems they are right about the figures though which, if either, is actually better for you?


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They put sugar in milk before selling it ? Surely not.

As a kid it was always full fat. Have got used to skimmed in adult life, mainly for diet purposes I suspect. Have the occasional full fat pint ( there's one in the fridge now but mainly because the supermarket wasn't competent enough to have the SS one I was looking for).

Full fat no longer tastes good in tea for me now. Fully skimmed still seems like white water and thus pointless.
Re the last question as opposed to the one in the title: I'm unsure one can pick 'better for you' as a health type thing, it has the same ingredients apart from a bit of fat doesn't it ? Any difference is marginal.
I use semi skimmed. Now if I use full fat milk it's like putting cream in my coffee. It's okay to drink on its own though.
Skimmed UHT in tea,coffee & on breakfast cereal, & when having a coffee out at Costa, De-Caff Skinney Latte. Love it.

I love UHT milk.

I don't buy it now because I just drink it all :-)
i use all three, because i can

but my fave is uht skimmed ice cold
I have to put in more ss in tea to get the right color and taste. Which rather misses the point .

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Milk - Skimmed Or Semi Skimmed?

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