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Restaurant Flyer.

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carrust | 21:28 Mon 10th Mar 2014 | Food & Drink
21 Answers
I've just had a flyer from a Polish restaurant pushed through the letterbox. The delicacies on the menu include.
Sauerkraut & mushroom dumplings.
Potato pancakes & sauce.
Polish cabbage stew.
Happy cake?
Having been to a Polish restaurant some years ago, I don't think I will be darkening their doors again.


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Buenchico. Abbeydale Road has changed a lot since you left Gods own city. It now has a plethora of restaurants from all over the world. There's now some great eating places at a reasonable price & I'll give the Polish one 6mths before it closes. Tha waint get Yorkshiremen & women ayting 'king cabbage stew.

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