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What Food Could You Live Without?

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sandyRoe | 09:32 Thu 20th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
101 Answers
For me it would be anchovies. They seem to be little more than bones and salt.


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I could possibly manage without balut!
10:15 Thu 20th Nov 2014

Liver, kidneys, sprouts, Christmas pudding/cake.
How long have you got? Think my list would be quite long, but I LOVE marmite.

Broad Beans
fat on meat
dark chocolate
tongue - cold meat

and many more

I should be thin !!
What just one ?

I have many that I can't stand and which I don't really consider to be food.
But anchovies ?!? They're brilliant :-D Get yourself some Gentleman's Relish for your toast and have a great breakfast ;-)

And now I see Baldric names Marmite ! The world has gone mad.
although I'm not vegetarian I could live without eating meat. If I had a personal cook who could prepare a good variety of veggie meals I would become vegetarian. I could live without cakes and biscuits as I rarely eat either. Sandyroe pass me all your anchovies I love them salted or fresh and will gladly have breakfast with old_geezer if gentleman's relish is on the menu -yum!
I could live without meat.




well actually, Im not so sure about crab, maybe Alaskan king crab may be worth a try!!
Pickled walnuts.
There's a lot of stuff I never eat (olives, beetroot etc) so no point in giving that up. Things I do eat and could give up quite happily are cheese, white fish, carrots, brown bread, custard creams - all a bit boring
I could possibly manage without balut!
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I think if offered a choice of balut or anchovies I'd pick the fishy option.
^^^^ Ditto!!

mind you I love anchovies!
mushrooms, aubergines, anything wobbly or gelatinous
I was just going to email you my Mushroom and Aubergine mousse recipe, Fluffy.

I think I could live without most things. However, if I were to identify one thing I really dislike it would have to be offal.
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You don't eat with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls,. liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Nor grilled mutton kidneys which gave to the palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine?

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