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Would You Order This?

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EcclesCake | 20:58 Wed 03rd Dec 2014 | Food & Drink
101 Answers
In a restaurant would this dish catch your eye?

Venison carpaccio with pomegranate seeds, capers, Parmesan shavings, baby leaves and a horseradish and lemon creme fraiche dressing?


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The waiters might sneer at me when I drank from the finger bowls
01:20 Thu 04th Dec 2014
on a sliver of crispbread
Love edamame beans. Always try to have tomato juice with my lunch. Addicted to it.
Nowt wrong with something like a carpaccio every now and again, same as there's nothing wrong with a good fry up... and yes haggis and dumpling are a must .... though a fried Tattie Scone is a fine alternative to dumpling!!
I used to be partial to it flavouring my vodka.
*** as opposed to Virgin?
Sandman just sandbagged me.
sweet dreams ☺
-- answer removed --
It sounds yummy and would certainly catch my eye on a menu.
Is that Bacon / Egg & Chips at the Giggling Sausage Ummmm?
N/Ton on the TV News last night, they said that this ( Can not remember) was the oldest shoes maker in N/Ton, I thought it was Mobbs Miller??
No, but then, I'm a veggie. Even I weren't, I'd still not fancy this mish mash of flavours
Sounds a lovely combination of flavours and textures to me, Eccles, I'd definitely give it a go as a tasty light starter.
Short answer to the original question- no, under no circumstances would I ever order that to eat.
that sounds lovely, i'd order that
divebuddy: What is the 'ironmaster' composed of?

If I get Menu featuring Shavings, Seeds and Leaves, I'm leaving quickly!
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Thanks all, I think it is going to look very Christmassy.

no because i don't like
pomegranate seeds, capers, horseradish and creme fraiche

Anna x
No !
Would rather have fricassee of bull's ba**s.

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