Our local "WHAT WAS " paper shop has now began selling everything that a Mini Market sells, the big difference this shop has reduced the passage with various items in the way such as Booze, a fridge, it is becoming a obstacle course, I was asking the staff what the thought & they agreed with me 100%, one staff member took me into the back of the shop to see the amount of room they had to work in, it was unbelievable , I commented where is the CCTV as the store room was about 60ft through 2 doors from the till, none, I said what would happen if you fell over badly & hurting yourself ( Hard luck was their answer) what would do?
Have a wee word with the fire safety officer at the local station (Chatburn Rd area?) - a little visit might help the owners see clearly.
Also ditto disabled access officer, council
And lastly, an anonymous tweet saying 10% off all purchases for under-18s should have the place crammed with local kids nicking stuff left right n centre....
The spirit of elf n safety is we are all equally responsible for our safety and that of others. So alerting the owners to potential pitfalls is an act of christian charity in its broadest ecumenical sense.
There are rules regarding ease of exit in case of a fire. I am not allowed to put anything in the way of ease of exit in my small shop though no one has ever come to check. A quick phone call to the council may help.
Liability if someone injures themselves while in your shop falls on you not the other person, even if that person caused the accident themselves. That is why all businesses have to have liability Insurance.
//I said what would happen if you fell over badly & hurting yourself//
Unfortunate! but no different from falling over in a car park! You can look at this two ways; see it as a major 'elf & safety' problem, or be thankful that your paper shop is managing to stay afloat by trying to diversify against the bigger competition. Many haven't made it, been forced to close, and the neighbourhood has lost a valuable asset.
Khandtro -your sentiments are all very well, but shops have to adhere to rulse (even if a lot don't). We have to pay expensive liability insurance and can be prosecuted if we don't adhere to fire regs. If TWR fell over in their shop he could bankrupt them with the compensation he could claim....
This BLOKE as you put it is a large company that does not give a hoot about the staff, regards your Comment Dive, not really, if the staff are afraid to say something, I will, or is there something wrong with trying to look after some one's life?
Is it possible folks that TWR is also concerned for the working conditions of an unerpaid, unrepresented group of shop workers?
I choose to believe it is, and so good on you TWR for fighting the good fight, showing concern, and being an all-round good egg.
Leave him alone the rest of you. He's lovely.