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Coconut Oil

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jennyjoan | 11:30 Sat 02nd Jan 2016 | Food & Drink
36 Answers
I bought the above and truly do not know what to do with it. Anybody help.

Do you treat it like cooking oil if so - is there a distinct taste of it on your foods - if there is - I will throw it out. Thanks


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@Lina...yep. exactly! x x
Oil does little for hair except for temporary sheen. Dust sticks to oil & if on the scalp it blocks the root attracting more jetsam causing dandruff
Very good for coat and skin on dogs - just a teaspoon a day either meIted or dry on their food or mine Iick it from the jar!
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that's good to know Lankeela - how would you get it off tho

I have heard it helps you lose weight!!
If this coconut hair conditioner I won't risk it thanks
If you have slightly coarse wavy or curly hair rub some oil on an afro comb and lightly run through your locks leaves a nice sheen, don't use much to prevent a sticky layer.

JJ - a spoonful in the food not on the dog'd coat or skin.
^ dog's
I bought some when I had to lose a lot of weigh via the low carb diet, and the oil was recommended to replace vegetable oil in cooking. BUT you must like the coconut flavour if you use it! It was perfect for stir-frying.
In the 70s when we knew no better this was THE thing to slather yourself in and then go and fry in the sun - was supposed to accelerate and deepen a tan. Don't suppose that's a valued use now for anyone.
Remember choking on dessicated coconut as a child.
Put me off any kind of coconut until I started to use coconut cream in curry.
Only way it enters the flat!
The finest steak I ever fried was done in coconut oil. I am very sensitive to odd flavours, and I particularly noticed that there was no coconut flavour, as I really do very much dislike coconut flavour.
I use it a lot for cooking..and I don't really notice the taste.
It also has anti fungal properties...can clear athletes foot up.
I use Lucy Bees...from Sainsburys...has a lovely flavour.
I clean my make up off with it and then slap it on before I go to bed
Great idea Ric! All the time I've been using it I hadn't thought of using it for that.
Lol retrocop!!

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