If you were to make up your own hamper as a gift for a man who is down on his luck with very little money, what food would you put in it? No point suggesting giving him money instead as it'll be squandered
You really need to find out what if any cooking facilities he has, it makes a lot of difference.
No point giving him things like fresh meat and veg if he can't or won't cook it! Also has he got a fridge or a freezer to store food?
with that much money for a bloke on his own, you could do him a small treaty hamper for christmas and put a note in it saying that he will get shopping delivered for the four weeks of january....but yes you need to know about his facilities and think about what he would cook.
^^ Yes I'd split it up into 4 hampers at £35 each one a week for a month.
If he can cook and has cooking facilities a £35 hamper would easily feed him for a week.
Still really do need to know about cooking and storage though to come up with proper suggestions.
My step sister lost her job - managed to get another one but was left a bit short - so I did a Tesco shop and chucked in a few luxuries, it cost me £75 and that lasted her 3 weeks.