TV1 min ago
Black Pudding
42 Answers
I buy my (original and genuine Bury one)from Waitrose.I comes like a letter U,in a horseshoe type of shape.I slice it and freeze it,then defrost when I want to cook it.I usually grill it(but have never tried frying it).My point is,the pudding has a skin which is awkward to remove after grilling,should I take the skin off before cooking.Yes,I think the skin is quite edible?but I am not keen on it.
Yes you can remove the skin before grilling.
16:40 Wed 22nd Feb 2017
Some nice recipe ideas here too...
https:/ / cgoodfo howto/g uide/al l-you-n eed-kno w-about -black- pudding
The best black pudding is from Stornoway -
http:// stornow ayblack pudding
It's wrapped in plastic, which should always be removed before cooking (as if I need to tell you...).
It's wrapped in plastic, which should always be removed before cooking (as if I need to tell you...).