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Why Is It Ok To Eat Rare Beef

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saintpeter48 | 13:41 Fri 06th Nov 2020 | Food & Drink
48 Answers
..... but not ok to eat rare pork, chicken etc?


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That seems to have changed nowadays, with different animal care. While I still wouldn't.... watch some masterchef, and they often serve it rare.
Beef and most fish have far fewer parasites and other nasties than pork and chicken.
I used to eat raw pork sausage when my mum wasn't looking. Couldn't do it now
Wasn't it something to do with the feed. Rare pork could give you worms (that could be all in my head) Chicken you can salmonella. Beef seems to be long as they don't have mad cow disease.
You can eat raw beef - beef tartare
Pork used to contain tape worm eggs/larvea that could be transmitted to humans. Now they deworm the pigs so that makes it safer, but actually I think its more to do with taste -pork tastes much nicer well-cooked.

I have heard that all chickens contain salmonella in the UK (that's why they dip the chicken in a weak bleach solution in the USA), and again, raw chicken would not taste as nice as something well-cooked.
Beef is denser so has less bacteria within it. Cooking the outside is usually enough.
Beef intestinal worms can't infect humans apparently. Pigs are genetically very similar to humans and can pass on all sorts of diseases to us.
I love raw beef, probably because I was given it to chomp on as a toddler.
Barry wild fish are riddled with worms, they can't infect us though, they just look awful, and most are taken away with the innards.
I used to eat my steaks Blue but now I prefer them medium rare. the worms thing wasn't in my head.
I eat lots of fish and the idea of sushi really appealed to me. I went to a sushi bar and really do not like it at all, very disappointed.
No Ummmmm!
Barry, I eat raw beef as well.
Barry they have to freeze all sushi fish for at least 60 hours to make sure any parasites are killed -that's enough to put me off to be honest.
I remember a woman I knew, chewing on raw bacon! Surely thats not healthy?! Ughh!
My dad used to make steak tartare...even as a 10yr old, I loved it.
I don't think that you can eat rare chicken.Most recipes say that chicken should be cooked until it reaches 74/75 degrees Celsius.

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