Last night I put a lamb shank in the slow cooker about an hour before going to bed. I was starting it on "high" with the intention of turning it to "low" for overnight cooking. I turned it off by mistake...and found a stone cold slow cooker this morning.
I guess "off" is too low...
I've considered cooking it...but my paranoia would get the better of me. Such a shame as it was smelling quite nice last night...whereas I smelt nothing this morning. *sob*!
I would dither too.... and probably also end up giving it to the dogs. I wonder if it would be rescuable if cooked quicker and hotter now, but probably a risk. Takeaway later then :-)
Unfortunately, cooking it quickly completely defeats the purpose of the best way to cook a lamb would just toughen it up. will not get eaten by me. Chalk it up to experience.