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Is B6 Vitamin Helpful

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Ifeoluwa86 | 22:41 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
7 Answers

Does B6 really replace nutrients list through heavy menstrual bleeding?



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I hope that we won't see spam posted here on this thread from a new member!

Assuming, for the moment, though that this is a genuine question, see the academic research here:

and/or the summary thereof here:

Iron is needed for heavy bleedinh, B6 might be useful for PMS.

All the ladies in my family upped their intake of black pudding at that time of the month 

Is Vitamin B6 not supposed to be taken to prevent you murdering someone when you get PMS?

Soooo much to work with but no, time for bed.

I used to take B6 and evening primrose oil for just that wolf. I didn't actually murder anyone so perhaps they helped....

For years I had heavy, painful periods. I had a mirena coil fitted & OMG the difference that made. My periods stopped altogether & I was painfree for the first time in years. I could actually function as a human being.

I am sterilized so did'nt need it as birth control, but it was a new lease of life

Vitamin B6 helps to balance your hormones and thus it can improve cognitive function and mood when these things would otherwise go awry.

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Is B6 Vitamin Helpful

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