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Bazile | 14:02 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
12 Answers

Is it safe to eat chicken today that was NOT put in the fridge overnight ?



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I wouldn't eat it.

Raw...or cooked?, not in these high temperatures.

Cooked...probably eat it.

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I wouldn't chance it Baz..

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Was kept in microwave overnight

Probably fine.


Check if it is covered in green fur, or slimey, or smells awful. If not, give it a try.

No, I wouldn't eat any meat that had not been kept refrigerated in these temps.

I grew up without a fridge and no shopping on Sundays and bank holidays so I don't worry about things like that.  If it looks and smells okay I'd eat it

In this heat I wouldnt.

Made the same mistake myself, its madenning having to throw it away but better than the heebie jeebies or worse.

Surely you at least had a cold slab in a cool pantry Barry?

A meat safe to keep the bluebottles off

Baz, you okay? Did you eat it?

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