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What Takeaway Tomorrow?

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abbeylee90 | 18:46 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
22 Answers

My mum paying as she going away.

Should I have chip shop, Chinese, domino's or Indian?



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Chip shop for me, abbey

Those 4 will fo for starters.

2nd & last seem most healthy; so use the other two for snacks only.

Make cheese on toast and spend the money on a new top. 

Best idea from Maydup.  I totally agree

How about eating something healthy?  And cooked at home dare I say?  

Good afternoon,

If your mum is going away tell her that you will look after yourself and she should spend the money on herself.


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Cheese and toast is not tea 

Put some scrambled egg on the toast, then the cheese, grill it and call it Welsh Rarebit - that's what we're having tonight.

Abbey, pizzas are just a version of cheese on toast! 

Chicken Naga, tarka Dhal & some chippatis, cant go wrong

Good afternoon (again)

Why would your mum pay for your dinner?

Are you able to cook?

I really think you should treat your mother.

I had this recently - very nice it was too!

Blue lobster and crab followed by Bresse poultry and mushroom gratin.

Cheese - including French Comté and British Stichelton blue.

Dessert - Rose macaroon cookie, composed of rose petal cream, raspberries and lychees.

Have you decided, abbey?

Can you not decide for yourself what you want?  I wouldn't want strangers online choosing what I have to eat.

Dont ask then.

Abbey likes opinions, is that a problem?

Cheese on toast is tea, but add onion and beans to make it dinner. 

How about an Arbroath smokie?

Chippy tea! From Tommys'. 😋

"Cheese and toast is not tea" 

It is in my house.  

Maybe we are not as posh as you.

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