Along with ACB's method... if they've been picked for over a day, add about 1 tablespoon (about an ounce, I'd guess) of plain white sugar to about two quarts of boiling water to replace some of the sugars lost after picking... If you have to keep the ears for another day or so, pack them in a plastic bag with some ice cubes and paper towel without removing the husks.
Next time try grilling them... pull the husks back so you can remove the silks (hairy fronds), place them in ice water for a few minutes (husks and all) then use string to tie the ends of the husks firmly back in place. Put the ears on a hot grill for about 2 minutes per side (turn about three times), remove, leave the husks on for the guests to remove... plenty of real butter, please. (Some of the kernels should be scorched brown).