I think its a bit early to be calling the recession over, but the report is encouraging.
It has long been my belief that GB will wait until the very last moment to call an election, in the hope that the economy will turn around and he can then take his fair share of the credit for actions he implemented in shoring up the financial sector etc.Actions incidentally largely opposed by the Conservatives. Selling the various assets and majority shareholdings in the financial institutions accrued during this process as the economic situation improves will also help to reduce the "overdraft" and may help to reduce the inevitable cuts required in public spending to balance the budget.
Despite this, I have serious doubts that this would be sufficient to turn around the supertanker of public opinion, centred as it is around a thorough and justified dislike of sitting MPs over their venal behaviour with expenses, and a conviction that Labour have had long enough and its time for a change.