Yes looby - if i can find a vesta curry i'll try it again and see if the taste is the same. I did read about the msg comment, and i guess if there is no msg in the curry then it deffo wont taste the same. I suppose that things like that from years ago will prob be very different than what we remembered - our tastes have moved on from then and been educated over the years...
Report back if you find a vesta curry before i .,,,enjoy!!
they weren't boil in the bag, they were a powder-add-water to meal, i remember one boy scout bringing about a dozen to scout camp with him as it was the only thing he's eat (so his mother said!) (this about 1980!)
The Vesta meals are in our local Poundstretcher at 99p a packet. You got me fancying one so I got a paella and it was quite tasty. Hubby turned his nose up at it though .... he's a budding chef and likes everything fresh, nothing dried or out of packets. Guess I shouldn't complain as he does a lot of the cooking. [:o)
aww bless ya mrs c, what a kind offer, thank you.
but i think we might have a pound stretcher here in town, well theres a few pound shops anyway, not sure if one of thems a stretcher one though. but anyway, i will have a look in and hopefully find some.
thank you again for offering to send me some mrs c, thats so kind :o) xx
well i will go a hunting here then, and fingers crossed i will find one! .... but ...if i dont have any joy, i just might take you up on your kind offer and come back to you and ask if youd pick one up for me and send it on, yes? .. as long as i can send you the money for it and the cost of the p&p of course :o)
Don't buy them off eBay loooby, they're far too expensive! I'll have a stroll down to Poundstretcher tomorrow and have a look at what they've got in there.