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World of Warcraft

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Neilzulu1 | 08:59 Tue 07th Aug 2007 | PC Games
54 Answers
Whats your highest rank ? I am a level 25 hunter.


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who cares?
I am a level 200 Grand Poohbah!
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I have two main chars, a level 57 gnome warrior and a level 28 BE hunter. What server are you on?
whats that kermit?, sorry i shouldnt be mean to such a great hunter. ha ha ha ha
Notice that your not even a cool muppet, like animal. Your a little green frog vending frog milk.

Sad man, come on swear some more, call me names. I love it, whats that queer?, wonker?, oh big man, big ZULU man with your big insults and your level 25 hunting ways, what a hunter, what a ZULU you must be.


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are you two gonna continue this childish squabble? Is there a remote chance that we can stick to the topic that was originally raised here?
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madam will do nicely than you ;-)
well i do declare

My heart felt apologies.

Im all embarrassed now at being caught trading insults like this by a lady. I should know better, I do know better but i have waited and waited for my chance to pounce on this mighty african zulu hunter. ( Bet he is 4ft and 7 stone!)

Mhaaaw ha ha
Mrs Boo you were actually part of the thread when Kermit the Zulu here was last off with me.

Are you following me?
was I? Which one?

And apology accepted :-)
Oh it was some time ago, the thread got banned, as this one probably will be.

Question Author
I play WOW and posted a simple question. This earsugar moron has posted insult after insult, if he has nothing to say about the game, he should not post.

He has a fixation with Jim Hensons creations, sad, but i guess living at home with his mom has warped his mind.

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