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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
700 Answers
Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
jno I didn't blog but ask away, either here or by email. Am about to embark on getting my second one sorted, the first implant failed because of insufficient bone. I get a free second shot but its been hard fitting in the sessions with everything else going on. I need to get the tooth out soon so the implant post can go in in the new year. I am delighted with the first one and its no blame to the dentist that the second one failed.
Robi that's so annoying and giving you painkillers you can't take is worse than unhelpful.
I still find it amazing that our new surgery is so lovely and helpful...until you change, you don't realise what you've been putting up with :-( Luckily we have 4 surgeries round here so some choice.
getting colder here tonight...
Evening all,

Poor Robi, that;s sound traumatic. We are lucky here, we are assigned one doctor and we see him through thick and thin (unless he's on hols) It was only this year that we could legally change our doctors or specialists, thank heavens cos I hated my endocrine one and changed to a really kind and understanding one!

Have just made chicken dhansak (curry with lentil and pineapple), pot, mushroom, spinach and onion bahgee (sp), rice and garlic popadoms, followed my apple pie and custard! Twas yum! (except I do not eat custard so I had cream!)
Hi All. What a pain Robi (excuse the pun- not intended) not very reassuring at the Drs. for you. I hope you feel much better soon. If you had difficuty walking down or you can't get someone to take you, why don't you ask the Dr. to visit you. I would cos that's what they're paid for. I usually am able to walk to make and appointment so I am waiting at the door at 8.00 to get in a queue for when they open.. I never ring up and that, believe it or not, was on the advice of my Dr and sometimes if I have to go back to see him he gives me an appointment there and then.
Lovely Vid, Vinny-MBE. what a good looking man George was.
Not being rude Neti but aren't you on a diet of some sort. Or have I missed something somewhere?
I would love implants Woofy but I doubt I could stand the pain.
After Tai Chi and lunch I went to Asda and bought a pair of cheapish (£18) leather very flat black shoes and another top. So I've done well this week cos Monday I bought red polo jumper and a long black long line wooly tunic to go over the top.
I haven't much to sort out for Christmas now. I give all my great nieces and nephews Cash which they are grateful for because they like to buy something they have chosen themselves. So all I have to do then is make sure the bank gives me crisp notes.

Well there's nowt on telly much to interest me tonight. Mind you I think I wont be late in bed as I feel quite tired now.

Off to make a cuppa
See yer soon....
oooooh, it's parky out there, it'll be ice-rink bird baths tomorrow I reckon.
It's years since I sent for doctor Jude. I was really unwell & at at the end of my tether & lovely doctor I'd never seen in surgery came...I found out later he was Dutch & sometimes stood in when the others were on holiday. He sat & talked for ages & kept asking who looked after me & how would I manage, I thought for one moment he was going to send me in hospital. There should be more like him...or maybe I should live in the Netherlands?....not sure Chas will see it that way tho'

Right, I think it's time to nuke the brains out of my hot bunny...
well, I hope everyone survives until the morning at least. Vodka and nurofen all round.
You are right Robi, minus 5 in the forest this morning warming to minus 3 by 0600 (but that may have been the car engine, the thrmometer is in the car's info system)
good normal day yesterday but tiring, laters all
Morning possies, any chance there's anything left of Neti's curry? Minus the chicken and possibly minus the... pot?? (You put POT in your curry Neti? Ha ha... I understand that I don't understand...forgive this foreigner...)

Robi can you not the-opposite-of-postpone your check up appointment, sometimes they keep a list of people to call in case of cancellations. Very cute chaspic<3 (photo of Charlie)

I'm making a note of that Green Note jno in case I ever get to London.

Had an unbelievable encounter yesterday at the library; I was waiting to use a computer and you don't book them or anything, you just hang around like a vulture till somebody else's time is up. So there I was when a drunkard arrived and behaved as if he were next in line. So I politely informed him Just so you know, I'm waiting too. Whereupon he started swearing and abusing me and another woman (my age or older) who was already online, and his final point was: Go home and take care of your children!! I started laughing so hard that people turned around to see what was so funny, and guess what, he couldn't take it, he just left. Much more effective than arguing back:)

Have a good day folks:)
PS forgot to say: Robi could it be you have some kind of malnutrition and your fibromyalgia blows up what should have been a minor headache?
Morning all, am not saying a word about our lovely weather!

Jude, I was dieting for my last thyroid and cholesterol tests and for family reunion, but have sinned a lot lately and thusly the kilos are piling on again. Well, it's not salad weather even though it is sunny! I wondered about watching that army thing and then decided against it.
Morning all..curtseys to Vinny...
< was bad enough when neti appointed herself as queen>

Yes that's a good idea neti, don't mention your weather, it's frozen solid here. Nice 'n sunny tho' so at least it looks nice.

mmm, I think I know what you mean Kit but I have to have some pre- blood tests so it would be a few days before I could go anyway. May as well wait for the appt now. I don't think it's food related, more weather if anything, but more often than not it's random.

Well I s'pose I should start & think about xmas.........................................

.............thats it, I've thought about it & I've lost interest now.
oh, so that's what neti was talking about, I thought she meant she had the curry in a pot rather than the other way round. Pot must be Catalan or something. Isn't Marmite the French word for a pot?
let's hope it's not in a neti-pot
Shaddup the lot of yer!
whipping up a little paella


pfft, they've got more teeth than I have
hello all...Dh slept well and bounced up this morning. He has gone out on the bike (motor) he has a posh new jacket with wires in that warms up and keeps him toasty...I rely on M and S underwear and hot flushes lol.
pottery jobs today and some me time...catch you later, stay warm all.
afternoon Blossoms.
nettis on a sea-food diet jude...she sees food and eats it..:O)rather chilly this morning,its the first time ive warn me mittens.The paper de;livery guy from WH Smiths gave me a cd of lovely xmas songs ..choir music.He had loads from some newspaper.So 6:45 this morning I was belting out ♫we three kings♫dont think the seagulls liked it.I could have been a CDM Robi..but cadburys dairy milk hasnt got the same ring to it..hehe..!:O)
<damn! foiled again ... I was gonna give 'em all the freebie CDs this yr...tut...>
southwest could see snow as early as Friday, teh rest of us have to wait till the weekend

Obviously I'll be checking the woollycam to make sure Vinny's really snowed in
its snowing....oh booger its the shi$ehawks again:O)just phoned prashad kip,there doing there own telly prog and will bring a book out after....yippee.!(quickly nips down to the webcam and throws shi$ehawk poo over it):O)

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