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Welcome To History where the past is explained.If you are looking for information about your family tree try our Genealogy section.
A friend of mine swears that she read a piece somewhere that suggested that the young queen died and had been replaced by a man, who disguised himself and took the place of the queen. Yes, I know, I...
My Dad has obtained a medal which is dated 1925-26 and is for the Charlton Thew Challenge Cup. It has the swing bridge (Newcastle upon Tyne) on the front and an inscription "Miscellaneous...
What is the name of the part in a church where the priest throws away the communion wine? (on the side wall behind the alter)
why are so many masons in high profile jobs eg lawers,judges, cops ect ect are we not ment to live in a world where we are all the same?
After seeing bush's latest speech where he claimed "god told me to invade iraq", wondered how this would be looked upon if say "god told me to assassinate Bush??" would god be called as a...
If you could erase one person from history who would it be?
Did the Allies use gas in WW1, or was it just the Germans?
What principles did the Druids follow?
How did the goverment help British Industry in the 1930's?
The official and foreign-sounding name of the peaceful and noble complex of buildings built on the Egyptian ruins of 40,000 books destroyed in a terrible fire in the First Century B.C.
Which British Prime Minister's father was a classics master at St Paul's School in London for about 6 years?
The male penis piercing is called a Prince Albert.Does anyone know why?(did he have one) THANKS
What was this and where did it happen?
hi can anybody tell me when district codes came intgo being such ec1 n1 and all the other london district codes not postcodes am very...
A friend in the States saw something on the Travel Channel about underground caves and catacombs in and around London. Does anyone know of these and if you can tour them? I did a catacomb...
how long have cats been domesticated
who is the all time top goal scorer in the premiership
When were seperate toilets for ladies and gentlemen introduced into society?
Are there any books written about the clearing of bodies from the battlefields after the war had finished?
How come that, for example, the Duke and Duchess of Kent don't live in Kent and the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire live in Derbyshire (Chatsworth) etc? I know there is probably a...