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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Oh cripes Lofty ..
that sounds like a lot of metalwork .I have a fair bit of it myself :)
Well done on finishing your knitting .I'm still messing about knitting these wristwarmers ! By the time I finish them it'll be summer and not needed.
Mr.S has calmed down now .
He has to appear in person now Woofy as they've changed to fingerprint recognition .He used to be able to renew on line but they want his fingerprints now .
So it will mean a trip to London some time next year.

The window in our loft is broken . I never noticed it ,my neighbour told me .I expect from the cold .It's only small and I've been trying to get someone to come and repair it or we'll have either the rain or birds getting in but no luck .All the glaziers I've phoned are out on call
Must be a spate of broken windows in the 'hood I suppose .
Evenin all...what a cold, miserable looking day it was.

Yes neti, it does take time to recover from these things, you have to learn to slow down and give a little sometimes. Pleased you're having good follow up care, hope it's all clear.

Hope you get your dental prob sorted'll be able to bite the postie. My nephew's been having a nightmare with his teeth recently (partly due to putting things off) and a specialist came down from Liverpool. The amount dentists charge he was probably in a helicopter.

So sorry it's more bad news for you shaney...I know it's not funny but the way you write about MrS comes over as amusing. Does he grumble in German? I have a Victor Meldrew type image of him, "Ich glaube es nicht!" (hope that's right)... :)

Amazingly I seem to be hearing good news at the moment, I hope nothing bursts the bubble...My hairdresser is all loved up and happy having recently moved in with her boyfriend. Her life has changed enormously in the past year or so & I'm really pleased for her, she's a lovely girl & she's had some tough times.

Love the sound of crab & dill paste woofy, where did you get that? I'm really not hungry today, just thirsty, I hope it's only tiredness, I'll be off to bed early.

Don't complain about the food jno
SOUP I ATE SOUP!!!!!! I would jump up and down but I want to retain the soup lol.
crab and dill paste comes in a tube from ikea. Its very salty, you only need a little on the bread but its very delicious.
Hi everybiddy. I've caught up again with all your posts.
Jno I'm so sorry about you bad news. So sad for you. It always seems more poignant at this time of the year. My Mum passed away on 20.01.2001. That date sticks in my mind. It was just after the festive season of course but wasn't expected, so sad.
Another problem for Mr S Shaney. Hope it gets sorted soon. At least it's not a health problem thank goodness.
You sound on the up again Woofy. You always make my mouth water with all the things you cook and prepare for yourself and your sister.
Lottie I wouldn't like to have the dental work you have to have. I don't like going to the dentist for a checkup never mind about anything else.
Hope it works out alright for you. Good to see you back as well.
Neti you sound like you might be on the up at last.. i hope so. I also hope Mr N is ok and not heading for what you have had. I'm please he's been looking after you cooking-wise.
Robi you're so right about our weather. It was so cold today when I went to the 'usual'. I parked my car outside my friends near the place and walked down there. I was really pleased I'd put on my thick tights, jeans, Per Una double thickness jacket and my boots. I've got to do it all again tomorrow. Then 2 more visits next week until a week after Christmas as they are shut. Hurray....!!Pleased about you having some good news at the moment. It usually takes your mind of health things doesn't it.
That's about all for now. I'm really tired tonight and wont be long out of bed. I'm away for the weekend on Friday so please don't wonder what's up with me - I'll be back as Arnie says.
Oight Oight everybody. Take care and keep warm. It's blooming freezing here.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Oight, oight, off to bed shortly. Thanks for the link jno. That is just what I imagine my contraption to be like. It's to save me biting into my top gums with my bottom teeth which results in infection after infection as well as loose teeth. I have a very weird jaw and mouth set up - great!!!!

Glad the invalids are getting better and glad Mr SS has calmed down. What a rigmorole (sp) to have to go through!!

Sleep tight all of you and keep warm. xxx
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Lol ...when he's in grump mode Mr S does tend to revert to muttering in his native tongue .I won't repeat what he says !
It was something like ..the embassy can kiss my ........and so can the ..and the ... I just whistle and stick me fingers in me ears :)

I'm loving Last Tango too ..just caught up .They say get your hankies at the end .It's on two nights running next week
Have a good time Jude :)
Oight Oight lovelies ..sleep toight .
Shaney I was having a snigger at Mr S's grumpspeech.....but don't tell him!
Oight oight all
not quite so cold out tonight, we went to see Kiss Me Kate, nice songs though the ending infuriates me of course with Kate pretty much licking Petruchio's boots. Never mind, it's Classical so it must be okay.

Wunderbar wunderbar what a perfect night for gloves
Morning all.

Jude what a lovely post, you mentioned everyone!

Love steady's new song.

Had a decent night's sleep, but poor Mr N was up and down, and the cat and I got really cosy and comfy, when Mr N came back into the bed about 6am, couldn't settle after that. Kingsize bed is not big enough for two ill people and a prat cat!

I am going out for a stroll this morning and a coffee, and to post some xmas cards, but I have lost my usual list and can't find addresses anywhere! Feels cold but no idea, rained all day yesterday!
Morning all...The weather's not wunderbar and you certainly wouldn't want to be licking anyone's boots. It looks very seasonal but I hope this really is the last day of the freeze...minus 5C and going to the bird table is an expedition.
There was a flock of something in a tree over younder but they were silhouetted against the sky so I couldn't quite make thm out. I think they were waxwings, there have been sightings locally. The blackbirds in my garden could now be classed as a flock, they're costing me a fortune.

Well they giveth...and they take away. Yesterday I had a nice surprise, my new water rates bill (on a meter now) is in credit so next yrs monthly payments will be several £s less. This morning I discover BT have added about £10 to my monthly bill...obviously the old special deal contract ran out and they've just bumped it up to normal rate. It's my own fault I should have contacted them, but I was hoping they'd contact I'm going to have to put my firm bartering voice on...or they can stuffen das :)
Good morning. Extremely pretty outside with the frost, but I am not venturing out. Nice to read all your posts, especially your catch up Jude. I am not good at catching up, I must admit. I do read everything though, I promise. I also forget things these days!!! I don't mind dentists at all Jude, I am terrified of doctors. In other words I don't mind what people do to me (as long as I am numbed or knocked out first). I hate the thought of bad news - hence why I put off check ups and don't have mammograms, smear tests etc!!! Good job my Doc. knows what an ostrich I am.

Am going to write a few Christmas cards. Last night I phoned my Aunt who is in a convalescent hospital/rehab after a replacement hip at 88 years old. What happened to such places in the UK. They just send you home here. She is having a lovely time there and looking forward to moving into a Hostel which I think is the Oz version of Warden Assisted Accommodation. I love my Aunt (my Mother's sister) and would love to see her. It has been 12 years since I visited her near Sydney.

Must go and get washed and dressed!!

Mouth is throbbing but not too painful now.

I went to a talk yesterday lunchtime... it was about the Cheapside Hoard, but the man who introduced it announced for the sake of any twitchers in the audience that some waxwings had been spotted under London Bridge. He'd just been down there but hadn't seen them. Perhaps they decided to pop up country for the day, just to shake the frost off their wings. Or does the wax stop them icing up?
well, everyone wrap up warm - Per Una if necessary - and take 600mg of ibuprofen and then basically don't do anything much, okay?
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Morning all
It's freezing but bright and sunny .Rain on the way though and milder .
I'd rather have the dry and cold tbh .
I don't know what you have to do to get someone to come and put a very small new window in around here but nobody seems to want to know .I've now left messages with four glazing people and not one of them has got back to me .
I can see me having to climb up into the loft with a lot of huffen ,puffen and stuffen das with a bit of cardboard pro tem .
Keep warm folks .
good morning all and I hope you are all keeping well. Its chilly here too. I have seen waxwings in my garden but not often and when it was a dreadful winter, very cold and with few berries. We went out for a walk this morning, dogs were ecstatic.
Lottie I do read too but get confused when i try to comment on what everyone has said so if i miss anything then I am sorry, I don't intend to. I need to get a shower and post parcels....
Sheney if you are going huffenpuffen and stuffen then be careful.
Don't you have "house husbands" over there, they come and do little jobs, so maybe one could mend the window!.

I am going dolally, I went to village to post xmas xards and forgot to take them, then was convinced that today was Friday and made a right prat of myself!! I bought a new pair of sensible shoes for when I don't want to wear boots, got more antibi's and a nose spray. Had a coffee so am defo on the mend but back is aching like mad, and I am shattered. Had hot bath when home and now relaxing.
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Lol..the window is really high up .I did manage to get a quote ...wait for it ...250 quid or possbly more . They started talking about scaffolding and whatnot .Then someone else wanted the exact measurements .
I did dither on the loft ladder but I can't get up there and Mr S certainly isn't going up there .I don't want him falling over or anything on me .
I'm sure someone could do it from inside the loft . On Saturday Picky will come and measure and board it up .
When the local paper comes this evening I'm going to scour it for a house husband :)
I have a resident house husband and have to admit there is nothing he won't tackle or can't do. I know I am lucky, and we don't spend any money, but sometimes I would just like someone to come in, do a job, clean up and go. My resident house husband does jobs on his terms, when he feels like it and often leaves half way through the job to do something else!!! He simply won't let me call someone in to do a job which creates arguments.

Master LL is taking after him!!

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