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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Have just caught up with you all. Am doing well so far this week!! Neti you REALLY MUST REST, AND YES I AM SHOUTING AT YOU!!! I know how you feel (I have been known to push a hoover around with a back fracture!!). It's difficult not to do things that need doing, but you have to shut your eyes to them. This is not the best time of year to recover anyway. BEHAVE.

I have got Mr LL's pressies from Amazon Woof. I would be lost without Amazon and Amazon prices so am not adopting a moral stance with their tax evasion. I am avoiding Starbucks though!!! I can't stand Starbucks and their is not one within 20+ miles so it's not difficult ;o).

I have bought Master LL a pressie, but in case he looks in and recognises me I can't say what. I just need something little now for him.

That is sad about your friend's son jno and dreadful. We have a close family member on Mr LL's side who has stolen from us as well as other things and have cut all ties completely. She doesn't exist. Sad for Mr LL though. Sad especially considering that his blood relatives in this country can be counted on two fingers, including our son! He probably has lots of relatives in Russia, and perhaps elsewhere - but we will never know. His father's first family were lost without trace in wartime years, but that is a long story.

Anyway my house husband has gone to have a chat with the local double glazing company because he intends double glazing our front door panels himself. The rest of the house is double glazed fortunately otherwise he might be taking the windows out!!

It's warmer, damp and very gloomy here today - I preferred the freezing cold. My mouth is very painful indeed and things seems to have changed since taking antibiotics so I hope it's just that things are shifting around. I have a pain now in my nose. Keep taking the tablets LL!!

I will see you later. (I miss my knitting and am now looking for something else to knit) I have ordered some horn shaped toggles for the waistcoat, I am not knitting a silly belt - besides I don't do belts around my fat middle!!

The end.
This is very sad - I have still only got 5 badges!!! ;o(
heck jno, had to refresh the page a few times there, just to make sure I was seeing correctly :) there anybody there? Too dark to see. Yes it's gone rapidly from the glare of the sun on ice to dark, wet 'n windy. This change has made me dizzy and fuzzy headed.

Post vital fatigue woofy ? lol...actually, in neti's case that could be right, she's always running around town.

That was a rotten trick jno, there are a lot of calous conmen around. When I was married we got drawn in by one (small retail affair)...well, I say we, I disliked him intensely from the start, a gut feeling, he was too nice. OH said I was miserable/paranoid/etc. Long story short, he disappeared with a lot of our stuff and it turned out very little he did was on the straight and narrow. It's not what anyone needs and least of all when you've got a couple of kids to think about, that's what really stung.

hahaha, I've got a diy badge too. Stand by your beds, I'm on my, where's that window man, he'll do nicely as my driver.
ps I've never ever been to a Starbucks, apart from a milky instant once in a while I don't drink coffee.
aaaggghhh! there's nothing like "Final chance..."...."Last chance to order"...."Only xx days..."... to send you into a panic attack is there?
Where's the paper bag and smelling salts?!
good morning all. I am a slow starter at best but am waking up every morning feeling sick atm (NO I AM NOT) I have ginger beer for breakfast instead of a hot drink and it gradually settles. We are back to autumn gales here too and I have to go out and post parcels today.
Afternoon biddies, well am trying to rest but Mr N's back has gone out and he is in agony aswell as his streaming cold. I had to go and meet a friend in the village as she needed consoling, I posted all my xmas cards finally. Ordered two laptops cos do not know which I want, Mr N want me to have a white sony vaio which i know is good, but am drawn to a Packard Bell which seems just the same but 120€ cheaper, and is black. Will see them both of Thursday! Put 2 day old washing in drier, washed bedspread cos smelled of cat (yes I can smell some things now) washing another load as I speak, needs to be done. Made Mr N some scrambled egg on toast and I had a poached egg. Quickly cleaned the bathroom as standards had dropped! Had to reboot this old netbook several times before it would open up! am now resting on bed all cosy and warmish! Also order some xmas fare from my friend as can't be doing with making mince pies and sausage rolls now. Have to make dinner tonight, something with mince!
Been looking at my badges, I have for 1000+ best answers, WHAT!!!
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Lashing down with rain here and blowing like hell .It's nearly dark out there ,or seems like it .
I've just done some more Amazoning but they don't have our local history books so will have to trek into town on Monday .
Mr S is getting on my nerves today . He's had a letter from the revenue which necessitated more huffen and puffen .
Everything I suggest doing or getting on with for Christmas he keeps moaning and telling me to leave it and not make such a fuss.

Well ,when I serve up beans on toast for Christmas dinner ......
Yes Mr N is a tad short tempered but then he usually is!

He doesn't huffen and puffen, he stums!
It's been dark all bloody day and I've been tutten and cussen (I'm turning into Mrs Brown), trying to come up with inspired ideas. I even did my ironing, I always think when I'm ironing, lol. Nothing yet. Any day now I'm going to have a dream where it's xmas day and nothing got done. Oh well, no one would start a riot if it didn't, my contribution to festivities is very minimal these days.

Are you all looking forward to the Snowman and the Snowdog? I the socks on his ears!
Hello all, parcels posted so that's a job done, a bit of cleaning done and I am whacked again. Now don't all laugh at once but I dropped into Boots to ask the pharmacist if there was anything i could do about my ongoing feeling sick even though the actual stomach thing is long over. Do you now what he said? "The fastest way to get over it is to....wait for it.....GO HOME AND now its official because the man from Boots says so.
Lucky I didn't move in withyou woofy, we'd be stuck in bed (dogs permitting) and no one to care for us! TAKE IT EASY AND REST WOOFY! there, now I'm at it!

Fancied arroz cubana, but had no banana (Mr N having had to eat it with his ibrofen as he can't swallow pills -men!!) so I fried a slice of tinned pineapple and it was delicious. Mr N has finished up the longlife everlasting bl**dy stew, thank heavens, nice as it was I was fed up with seeing it about! Tucked up back in bed waiting for Corrie and EE and halfway through IceAge 4, which is lovely!
Had to laugh at a friend of mine on FB, we were chatting and she asked what I was getting for xmas, so I told her top of the range Laptop, she's getting a toaster, I laughed and laughed, told her she'd got it all wrong with her toyboy!!
neti, kettle pot black!
Oight Oight Biddies.

And rest up both of you!!!!! (Neti and Woof)

I have written 12 Christmas Cards. 4 years ago I gave up Christmas cards except for elderly Aunties (2). They have crept back up again. Gone are the days that I would send out close on 60, plus all the school kids where I worked (tiny school!!).

I am not buying any Christmas Food as we are out on Christmas Day - but I probably will have a rib of beef roast on Boxing Day. Must admit to not much caring for all the Chrismas cakes, puddings, mince pies etc - although Stollen is rather nice. This is going to be the most laid back Christmas ever. Not even getting out any Christmas decorations.

Mouth is throbbing off to get paracetamols.

Morning all...dry and bright after a wild night.
I had 3 hrs sleep, woke at 3am, lay awake until 6 and then drifted in and out for an hour before I gave up and got up. tut....I had a dream I was in some kind of community centre where there were fitness classes going on and incompetent young staff, all dressed in aqua coloured clothes.... heaven only knows what I was doin there.


Good morning, ooh Robi had a wild night, I want one!!

I do try to rest but after nearly two weeks illness there are things that have to be done, but I rest up in the afternoon and evening! And now with xmas so near, I will have to get the decs out and sorted and at least one tree put up. I could not stand xmas without a tree.

We are off food shopping in a mo just normal stuff I guess, this is when I miss English supermarkets, you look, you see what you like and you buy (and its usually bogof) here you have to think about how long it takes to cook!!

Dont actually remember my dream from last night, but sure as eggs are eggs I had one!
neti if I'd had one of those 'wild nights' I wouldn't have been on the internet before 9am...I'd probably have been on life support.
Back from shopping, now off for English shopping which has been pre ordered and has to be collected from a bar! Have to take old woman's trolley this time as am collecting (I hope) pickled onions!

Now Mr N has informed me that he needs my help in driving all over the island to return unwanted goods and photographing bathrooms to be done etc, I hve told him he will have to drive me as I really can't just yet!

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