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Isn't it true...?

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HAnn521 | 19:20 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | History
9 Answers

Hasn't it now been proven that a dog's mouth is actually cleaner than a human's?

I know it started as a myth, but I'm pretty sure it has been proven fact...thoughts?



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Well I'd much rather get a kiss from my dog than many ABers here!
Dogs eat their own excrement and lick their own ********, would you want to kiss one?

Whilst it would probably be a more enticing proposition than kissing Robbie Williams I still wouldn't advise it.
(In the nicest possible way HAnn...)
When people say this to me I always say "Speak for yourself mate !!!"

It has long been noted in medical literature that human bites are more likely to become infected than those of other mammals, including dogs. Statistics to that effect were published in journals and repeated by medical professionals, and folk wisdom took off from there. It's a myth.

"Remember, a dog's tongue is not only his wash cloth but also his toilet paper."

someone must have swabbed a mouth and a dogs bum whatever and cultured the swabs and counted the colonies....and then printed the result.

Human bites are only bad infections for ...humans. What happens when a man bites dog ? Well that is news, and so someone must have written that up.

Dog bites can get pretty infected and rabies...ugh

and dogs licking human wounds can result in serious deep infection - usually pasturella multocida, and streptobacilli I think

and dog bites dog - ? yup pretty bad for the dog and your wallet. Someone set a dog on my Labrador and the toothmark and the infection was introduced deep to the panniculus musculosus, and spread sort of everywhere.

The vet said maybe I gotta operate ! [big grin and so on]

and I commented - have you done this before ?

and he went over the to cash register and said ka-ching ! look it'll only cost a million bucks. He had orange frizzy hair and a mad look and those glasses with � signs on the lenses.

and I said look cant you try antibiotics.......

My dog's mouth is cleaner than my wife's...

You should hear the language from her, the foul cow.

On the Discovery Channel there is a great programme called Mythbusters.
Anyway only two weeks ago they proved this myth to be true - a dogs mouth produced less bacteria than a humans.
Do remember however that all not bacteria are 'bad' and less bacteria doesnt necessarily mean 'cleaner'.
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Well...three stars to those to took this as a serious know, just because you would ASSUME that a dog's mouth would be pretty dirty by considering their habits...that doesn't mean that science could suprise you!

Thanks to gary baldy for seeing my point, I caught that experiment on Discovery as well, and therefore I believe that a dog's mouth isn't as dirty as one might think...and based on scientific facts, it is actually "cleaner", in some ways, than a humans.

Don't dogs eat their own poop?

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Isn't it true...?

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