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Magic Lamp

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Coldfusion | 15:17 Wed 06th Aug 2003 | History
13 Answers
Hello does anybody know where I can get my hands on a magic lamp. 3 Wishes would be great. Thanks.


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If you find somewhere to get one do let on to Tony B liar. He is in desperate need of one at present. (You are not he, are you?)
I think you're gonna be looking for a long time coldfusion.
I bought one once, cost me �2,500 quid and when I got it home the ruddy genie had fallen out. Swizz.
Were you on any medication at the time Onlyme?
Yes, I have one.Its yours for �2500.You sound daft enough to buy it.
No, course I wasn't. The bloke who sold it to me swore there was a genie in it, and as he said he was from the Ministry of Magic, well, I naturally believed him. I mean, if you can't trust a government ministry official, who can you trust?
OK then �4.75 but I wont go lower.
Take �1.50?
Go on then.I'm being a fool to myself.
Done. You're a pal. I really wish it's a nice lamp. And And I wish I knew where I'd lost that last genie. And I wish my new lamp would hurry up and arrive.......oh RATS, FLAMIN' 'ECK, I'VE FLIPPING WASTED ME THREE WISHES, OH FLAMING POOOOOOOOOH. Don't suppose I could have me money back, could I?
Nope! Sucker.
Onlyme, don't you know where you lost the last genie now? go get 'im!

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