Tooth Fairy in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Tooth Fairy

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hippyhoppy | 23:04 Mon 17th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
My lad (8) lost a tooth and the "tooth fairy" forgot to pop �1 under his pillow. He the accused ME of being said fairy. Inexplicably the next day the "tooth fairy" delivered the dinero covered in fairy dust (aka sistere Make up) and now he eye's me up not knowig what to believe. Do I give in and shatter his belief in faries, or string him along...
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It's funny how we tell our children not to tell lies, and then tell them about the tooth fairy and Father Christmas!
Hi there hippyhoppy! recently had the same scenario with my 8 year old - ooops i forgot to put the � there (did it the following night) and told him the tooth faries must of been really busy the previous night, he looked at me and said "come on tell me the truth i know it you that puts it there really" i continued to protest my innocence but he wasn't having any of it!!! I gave a no comment reply.... These young boys certainly grow up too fast nowadays!! When my daughter was 8 years old (6 years ago she'd defi of accepted my story) Just waiting to see what happens next time!!
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I KNOW - actually I gave Gray the option of Father Christmas putting her sack down him self or did she want him to leave it with me... and every time she want's me to bring it into her room...we tell them about strangers and then we allow "strangers" (ie me or dad) into her room.. No wonder shes freaking out...
Good god this is a hard one!! It must be so hard to blatently lie to your child about something like that (after all it is lieing, excuse spellin). To leave them in utter suspence no knowing whether to trust you or not!! On the other hand, as far as im concerened believing in all the airy fairy stuff and especially father christmas WAS what being a child is all about!! I was 13 when i went up to my mum and said 'Mum please now tell me, is there such thing as father christmas'?? She told me the truth and i was gutted!! But i did have a good incling at that age and i did understand why we were told what we were told when we were kids!! I felt no reservations towards my parents whatsoever when i found out the truth!! The fun for me after that was to see my little sisters get all excited about father christmas visisting the house!! I helped my mum do out the house on xmas eve so as to make it look like santa had indeed arrived!! That was just as special to me at that time in my life as actually beleiving in father christmas myself!!
My son reckons �5 is the going rate now for a tooth!!

I told him he`ll lose more than one tooth if he thinks he`s getting that.....(jokingly of course)
Been there. Left the amount the next night, without explanation. They find it all out soon enough. Keep up the magic while it lasts.
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�5??? In my day, mum was at evening class and dad gave us 2p, without even bothering to see if we were asleep or not!!
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Actually once he lost a tooth quite late and I diligently forgot to replace it with a coin.. toldhim that "she" was working overtime and sneaked one in pre school and he bought it ! Coolio..
I agree with grasscarp, you can't get back them moments. soon enough they'll be grown up and you'll be wishing you had the tooth fairy and father christmas back again.
what do you mean lie about the tooth fairy and father christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you trying to tell me something?
What??? Who says Father Christmas isn't real..??
AAwww Dot and kleiber loves ......a word in your ear.....
mamma wants to tell you something .....:-)
Best answer I ever came across was 'Father Christmas / Tooth Fairy comes to the children who believe in them but when they stop believing their Mum's and Dad's have to take over' it allows them to suspend disbelief a little longer.
When my son lost a tooth we were doing a car boot.Everyone who came up to our stall had to look at it.As i recall,he collected �26 for being toothless and cute.
Funnily enough my 6 year old lost his first tooth last night but he actually lost it. He fell off the sofa, and am worried he id it then instead of swallowing it and I have been searching for it high and low cos I have no idea where it is. I popped the money under his pillow and am terrified he will come across this tooth and cover will be blown.

We went through this at christmas when, shock and horror, someone told him there was no Father CHristmas. I convinced him it was true but then I worried about him being the only geeky kid that believed him.

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