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Is there a god?

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LeedsRhinos | 04:33 Fri 16th Jul 2004 | History
750 Answers
Is there a god? I mean look at all the different relgions around the world who all believe that THEY are right & the others are wrong. They can't all be right can they. Which is why in my opion it all rubbish.


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all religions are talkin bout da same god. They just think he does different things. In my view christianity is right.

i havnt red all of da thread cud sum1 please explain to me what tgi is


It's Merlin's clever by half attempt at a metaphor...
corse there isnt. its just gud to beleive in when u r upset or sumthin crap like that. yo, so no god


TGi created the cosmos, TGi created mankind and all the beasts, TGi governs all events and life on earth.

The evidence is all around you and within you for you to see and explore your way to full knowledge. You don't need any prophets, read the good books and you will see.

Listen to the wise men who have greater knowledge of TGi - they may be approaching full knowledge. They will reveal all to everyone when they have achieved full intimacy but if you don't begin to learn now, their words will mean nothing to you.

Open your eyes and ask a question - that is the first step.


tis I, l'eclair - sorry


indeed some fool 'removed' my original membership and thus removed a lot of good posts hidden among my rantings


Of course, Tgi sounds like it might be a serious concept - why not rename it sligglepuff, or peefwa. Last I heard noone had disproved their existence, along with unicorns, dragons, elves and other mystical creatures for which there is a great deal of literary evidence. Unless we start picking and choosing which sources to hold as evidence based on pre-existing beliefs. Anyone here guilty of that?

TGi is a serious concept. All other concepts are subordinate to and governed by TGi.

TGi will change its name when mankind achieves full knowledge of the concepts that TGi has as yet only partially revealed.

Its name-yet-to-be is already known and the wisest men strive to achieve the intimate knowledge of TGi that will let them use the name-yet-to-be.

What TGi has revealed cannot be doubted. TGi is the TRUTH.

What does TGI stand for


TGi is Merlin's example of how many religious humans use the head-in-the-sand technique of attributing God with the creation for, and the reason for everything...


Or at least that's what I presume it is - Maybe TGi really is the creator of the universe and Merlin is his son (that's why he is the one chosen to spread the word of TGi), anyway,  we know how to deal with such characters dont we?...I'll start building the cross!

Just to change the subject, I have a story I heard in Morocco...

A Muslim, a Jew and a Christian were talking about how to get into the gates of heaven.  The Christian had heard you should wear your best suit.  He arrived at the gates of heaven suited and booted, as if to walk straight in, but Gabriel blocked his way and he could go know further.  The Muslim, watching from a distance thought he could do better.  Covering his face with his djelaba (or however you spell it - star wars cloak) he walked up to the gates.  'I'm Mohammed' he announced, and Gabriel let him pass.  Following his lead, the Jew picked up a bundle of firewood and walked up to the gates.  'who are you?' asked Gabriel.  ' I'm Mohammed's servant' he replied.  Gabriel let him pass.  But the Christian was too afraid to follow.  He went back to his home and told everyone that God did not exist.

 . . .


not a very good story tho is it.

If you cannot acknowledge TGi, then it is your head that is in the sand. TGi is a name. The name has no significance in or of itself but it represents that which created the cosmos and everything and all life in it.

My head is not in the sand. Human religions have been misleading people for generations but many acknowledge TGi as the creator of everything. When the wisest humans reach full and intimate knowledge of TGi they will bestow upon TGi its meaningful name and will be allowed to use that name without retribution from the faithful.

It is not I that attributes TGi with the qualities it has nor I that attributes the greatest events to TGi - it is just the truth being acknowledged.

I am not its son, it cannot have children. I am one of many who acclaim the achievements of TGi. I have not been chosen, TGi does not choose. I am not even nearly the loudest supporter nor do I have the closest knowledge.

If it was not for TGi, there would be no wood to make a cross nor iron for the nails and indeed no you to use those things.

What don't you understand? What do you deny?


And what was that story about - what was the point?

A muslim and a jew lied their way into heaven and a well-dressed christian didn't? - I guess something was lost in translation.

NO its all a loag of **** ****

The point of the story was basically that Westerners have no imagination.  They are too caught up in fact, and when they are forced to use their initiative and make up a story, they don't have the guts to carry it through.  It's partly saying, I think, that God is not just about facts that you can prove.  That stories are important, and imagination.  The enlightenment was largely about celebrating rational fact rather than spiritual imagination.  That's why in the story the Westerner goes home and tells all that God doesn't exist.  I don't know if anyone's read life of pi - but that's a similar kind of message.

The other part, about the Jew saying he is 'Mohammed's servant' - this is partly poking fun at Jewish people I guess, maybe a bit racist, suggesting Jewish people are self-serving.  But also a joke: Muslims call themselves Mohammed's servants!



Then it's a worse story on more levels than it first appeared :-)

If welook at God as being the spirtual father or a belief and not as a physical being then I believe we are getting closer to understanding what God is.

When describing how to behave in certain situations according to most the relions, the human form is used, this is because it work's in a way which people can best relate, this is where I believe the stereotypical religious figures as human forms are used incorrectly.

Had the Bible/ Koran etc used alternative behavioural examples other than humans then I believe there would be less confusion over what a "God" actually is.

I see it as having something people turn to for guidence, its a crutch for support, something to believe in when you need it, and everything must have a leader.

People use sport, meditation, booze, drugs and a variety of other things, relgion is just another of these, an escapism, a break from what is real all around us.

To me its that simple, sorry if I have offended anyone.

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We can only understand God using terms that we can relate too - so this means describing God using human, or sometimes animal characteristics or relating God to nature.  The famous Zen Buddhist saying is that talking about God is a like 'a finger pointing to the moon'.  I have heard other people, including some of my friends talk about religion as escapism, and 'a crutch' like it is a kind of weakness.  I agree the religion offers comfort, particularly for excluded people, but then that is often who religion is directed at - the sick, the poor, the excluded - maybe because they are more open to God because they are not so self -sufficient, and also because I believe God cares for human beings, especially ones in pain.  I suppose really I see God as more of an intelligent life-force.  But I do believe in the power of prayer.

I'm going on a bit here, but I read the other day a very good description about the positive aspect of religion - that good religion teaches people to look outwards, towards their community, towards the whole of humanity, and ultimately towards the whole universe and helps us to realise our interconnectedness.  I believe that's true.  The problem is that there has been alot of 'bad' religion historically, causing war and violence over the world.  But then that's human nature.  Other religions without a god - patriotism and communism for example have also done alot of damage.

how does prayer work then?

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