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MINISOOMS | 22:07 Wed 18th Aug 2004 | History
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theres a man giving out leaflets in my town , i gave him a gobful about indians and blacks dying for him during the war. so he has the right to give out leaflets of his choice ,what can i tell him next time ,need some good historical facts


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I do think it's possible to be a racialist, Minisooms and not actually hate other races. To be a racialist (not racist which is a term of abuse invented by the Left)can mean to recognise race as being a/the fundamental "engine" of human activity - much as Marxists might see the class struggle, religious people see a Godhead etc. I'm not saying I agree wholeheartedly with this, but it does seem to be important to many people - and especially non-whites if I may say so.
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hi yeah i know that,and sometimes people say to me "they hate us you know" like thats gonna make me change the way i think im aware it cuts both ways.i take every one i meet on a one to one basic on how they treat me you cant generalise, i know theres a bigger picture but if i think too hard about what going on in the world it world makes me want to cry,personally i couldnt care if the whole world was mullato
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Sorry, got a bit confused and sent the same message twice there - didn't realise the postings had moved onto the next page! Interesting what you say about not caring if the whole world was mulatto - I think that would be very depressing, especially if it meaant a cultural "mulattoism" which we seem to be heading towards anyway with globalisation and Americanisation.
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yes i see what you mean about culture because it is exciting to go to a different country,but like you say the worlds a lot smaller now and most of us can move a lot more freely which is a good thing, i think wherever your from and whatever country you chose to live in as long as your giving something positive to the communitity thats the important thing
For JENKY - prove this ridiculous allegation about London councills. Its simply not true. And I am sorry to see so much racism expressed in this thread.
I haven't seen any racism expressed fingerpie.
Balir & his cronies are simly a buch of w@nkers! Whoops sorry AB Ed, I mean plonkers!
*Blair! Sorry the bloke is so insignificant to me, I even spelt his name wrong!
Maybe we should also be "sorting out" the people who understand so little about real racial and cultural tolerance that they are incapable of exercising a little self-control when they see some ******* on the street giving out controversial leaflets. Do you really think that "giving him a gobful" is the best way to show a good example in leading others towards a happier and more peaceful society ?
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thanks for putting me in the same bracket as him does the C stand for cool tommy or somthing else?sorry if you think me crass for confronting someone who belives in the ideals of hitler was a bad thing,someone who wants to send friends of mine to africa,arnt i allowed to be emotional,dont you ever get worked up instantly? sorry i shall try and allways set a good example to those around me in future
I think the big question Minisooms is would you have got just as annoyed at a segregationist Jewish or Black campaigner for example? A Rastafarian perhaps? It does seem that what many here would call racism is accepted in non-Whites. I recall a programme about a year or so ago with that fat West Midlands bloke (Adrian Childes/Charles?) in which he lambasted whites who didn't wish to see their children marry "out": but then attended an Asian wedding where a guest said he wouldn't countenance marrying a non-Asian woman because his mother would have objected - said fat West Midlander jovially said something like "We must be able to find you a nice Asian girl here -keep old Mum happy!".
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yes i would ,i think i allready answered that in other posts, i think tommy needs to "sort me out"as he puts it and educate me in real racial tolerance mabey because of where iv been brought up i think differently i dont know ,this was my first experience of a extream political view and yes i was shocked and would have been equaly shocked and angered by a muslim giving out leaflets to against the white iv said before why cant people just ******* get along
Maybe different people aren't meant to get along - let's face it the world's in a right state to paraphrase something you said earlier!
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mabey they dont WANT to get along
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I'm with you EliPledge!
Just by way of a response about the councils and the St Georges flag, someone I know who is a mini-cab driver was flying the St George flag during the football and got stopped by the police and told to remove his flag. They said they knew it was ridiculous but the local council had banned mini cab drivers from flying them in case they caused racial offence. Not sure about all cars being banned though (although I heard they tried to apply this to everyone and then gave up). He did not take his flag down until after we had lost.
Try learning something for yourself rather than asking to parrot off possibly true or possibly false "facts". If this man came to you I would say it was a get you to start to think for yourself by reading a variety of learned literature, not always cojnciding in beliefs so as to assimilate life and become a person of knowledge and integrity through your own work and discipline.I try to disseminate facts..well read, but still many will dispute me...and say they hold the truth. pilate asked Jesus "what IS truth" and Jesus was silent...or was it WHAT is Truth or What is TRUTH or any combination..or did he actually ask it at all?,but billions believe it without question simply because they, without any learned reason, respect the source. I think you are being called by your own spirit to be "counted.." and this man was the trigger. cheers
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