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What is flash?

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peterparker | 19:06 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
I was offered 'flash' by a guy at work. I just said 'no thanks, money's a bit tight' but the truth is I didn't know what he meant! What is it?


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never heard that one before but it sounds like a drug.
Speed was sometimes called flash many moons ago, don't know if it still is
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He said he sells it 'by the bag'. Makes it sound like manure!
Erm, I think he was offering you some software!!! (obviously this is not a Punn!!)

Flash, Fireworks and Dreamweaver used to be made by Macromedia, I think they're now made by Adobe but look up on wikipedia and you'll see what Flash is!

Next time ask if it's on a CD!

Good luck : )
70's Slang term for speed...
Erm maybe not then!!!

Was it george michael ?

Do you work in a public lavatory ?

Was there anything in his hand at the time ?
maybe a wrap ..
cor bubble, i've never heard of them either.

so have we established whether "flash" is a drug or not.
Either way i'd like to know for future reference.
Is it kitchen cleaner?
Could you have misheard him?

Maybe he was offering 'flesh' :-o
Was he singing 2 i want your sex" or " careless wrister " did you see him " last christmas 2 and did he " wake you up before you go go ed "????
Hi Jane1098

Are you being sarky?????

(Sorry in advance if you're not!!)

That's not a flash, that's a w@nk
Flash of his meat ?

Peterparker hasnt said wheer he works.It may be a public toilet hence a flash could be a term to describe exposing the male member.

No bubble, i'm a bit naive to today's slang.

Years ago i knew the names of recreational drugs but i haven't a clue these days.
jane have you taken too many and are now spaced out ?�?��

Many moons ago leg. :-)
a wrap is a wrap of what every
you are buying ...up your nose ..
in the arm ..down the throat ..
cool kit at the time .....Laters ..

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