I have inherited a very nice old fashioned wall clock which strikes on the hour and on the half - I know it has to be dead level to work ( which it is ) but it strikes randomly - it always strikes - but sometimes only once on the hour sometimes the right amount of time say 9 times at 9 o'clock sometimes a random number - but never too many e.g never 12 times at 4 o'clock, anyway I think its brains are scrambled a bit.
Also I follow the instructions for winding with the key but it does not tell me how many times to wind and says I should only wind it once a month - it stops after about a week - the hands mechanism - "the tick tock bit" - seems as if it will wind forever but I only wind it about 12 turns - the strike mechanism however seems very tight so I only wind that about 3 turns - can someone help me get my clock back on track !!! PS it keeps very good time
If you value this treasure it might be best to take it to a proper clock/watchmaker if there is one within a reasonable distance from where you live. Make sure that it is them who do repairs, not send it onto another repairer etc.
It shouldn't cost you anything for advice on how to rewind the springs properly. Offhand I would say it needs more winding but not how much. Repairing the chiming mechanism may also a small adjustment somewhere.