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Happy 'Battle of Hastings Day'!

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Mosaic | 08:19 Thu 14th Oct 2010 | History
49 Answers
It's always intrigued me why we don't mark this huge turning point in our nation's history. What better excuse is there to dress up, wave flags and weapons, and celebrate the English love of defeat.....


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I raise a glass (a crystal cut one no less) to the only date in history that EVERY English person knows, the date that clinched a million pub-quizzes ;-)

Then I raise it a second time (and more sincerely so) to one of the best looking pubs I've ever been to - The Pumphouse in Hastings Old Town :-)
Well don't raise it a third time, or you might trip over and miss the handbag spammers.
..oh, and another one !
Good pub The Pump House. Unfortunately I can't drink there anymore as the bar is upstairs and I can't do stairs any more. Did you try the FILO?
That's it, Baggies. AP's fallen over. Do your worst!
Mike, just for the record, there's more to me than handbag-spammer apprehending ok ? :-)
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Is that the one (almost) diagonally opposite Jan?
Oooh! No need to be so touchy AP. Thought we were just having a little in-joke. Pardon me for living!
...harrumph ! ;-)
Is everyone a bit touchy tonight?

No AP, opposite is the Hastings Arms. The FILO is in the High Street which is around the corner and brews it's own beer. There are a lot of nice little pubs in the Old Town. If you pop down again give me a shout and I'll meet you for a beer.
Any more of that sort of talk and I'll set Molly on to you. That's a promise!
Oh no, please Mike, anything but Molly............. not that I give a sh1t. Sorry, but I am not a believer.
I know that some people may not agree with me, but I find that Molly cuts through all the sh!te and tells it like it is. Still a brainless Lady, though.
LOL, but the AB censor has just translated my word "b i n t" as "Lady".
..ooh yes!

Jan, I haven't heard of that one ...Oooh, a micro-brewery, just my thing!
I love the area around The Old Town/Rock-A-Nore Road - where all the bikers gather and the chips shops make me go ...ahhhhh ! I'll let you know when I'm there next.
'night AP. See you are more interested in chips tonight than witty repartée . Where's me 'andbag?
It's Ok Mike - no offence :-) x
Please do AP. We don't eat everyone. :-)

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Happy 'Battle of Hastings Day'!

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