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Laying Laminate Flooring

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derekpara | 21:38 Mon 21st Dec 2015 | Interiors
8 Answers
I intend to lay a laminate floor in a 12'x12' dining room in which there is a chimney breast. The direction of the boards will be from left to right as you face the chimney breast.

Is it best to first lay right across the front of the CB to the opposite wall, continue across the room, and then, finally, fill in the recesses either side of the chimney breast ? Or start in the recesses and work across ? None of the You Tube videos show this scenario.




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Unless your property was built by NASA technicians, I'd be amazed if the chimney breast projects exactly the same distance from the rear wall on both the left and right side. If it doesn't, you could find it tricky to lay the bit of flooring immediately in front of it if you'd started from the rear wall.

So, as I see it, it would be better to start the main job from in line with the front of the chimney breast and then to fill in the gaps either side of it.
Lay the boards the other way.
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Sorry, Chris, if I haven't described the situation clearly, but I meant I would lay the first section so it butted against the chimney breast and right across the room and then work back to the rear wall, and finally fill in the two recesses.

Which is what you are suggesting, I think !
It is always best to check you don't leave a stupidly small piece at the other end of the room. Check the room for being square, if it isn't angle the boards to best disguise it.
derek I wasn't being an ass then. But where the window(s) or door(s) is can be a factor.
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Thanks, Chris and Talbot.

The room is pretty square, so the expansion gap of 10mm each side should be enough to allow for slight misalignment.

Togo, yes, I agree that would be the solution but the direction of lay has been dictated by the position of main light source and She Who Must Be Obeyed !


//She Who Must Be Obeyed !//

LOL. That phrase I recognise. See numerous posts by me.

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