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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Morning all...yes, it looks like the last of the good weather for a while, just as I was getting used to it. I'd better get moving, there'll be plenty of time to be on here when it rains :o(
Morning all, I am on here at 6.30 but on phone and eyes too blurry to post anything sensible! so I go back to sleep! What no woofy? She must still be galumping in the muddy waters!

Weather set here until at least Thurs when it should get cooler, I mean what is the point of coming over here! Just hope it is nice weather for the carnival, hog roast and street party. I'll be so disappointed if they are cancelled.

Yes lottie, Mr N are are couldn't be joined at the hip, he would drive me mad. His golf subscription runs out this year and it is 1,000's € to join again and I am dreading it, but have been in talks with him about relocating!

I would give almost anything to go on that cruise lottie, and I do not liek cruises. Do you fly to join the ship or what?

Jude hope your son is OK.

Hoping shaney is cheering up, and that mr s is still feeling O

Waves to jno. Bon giorno ! (sp)
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good morning, it was a muggy restless night here,got up at 4 to take the dogs out and straight back to bed in the lovely coolth, have just resurfaced and am sat here with iced coffee.
Thinking of Jude today.
hmmm, well standing in the hot PO queue for an eternity with those who've spent the weekend eating onions and garlic didn't fill me with deep joy. The man behind me (toooo closely behind me) must have thought I was dying for a wee, my legs and feet don't tolerate standing still for long. I'd have gone later but it's gardener's day.

You'd have been hard pressed to work out that we were actually joined in matrimony never mind at the hip the way my ex behaved...I don't think I'd want anyone hanging around now though. A few hrs here and there my command :o)
Hi all ( for about the third time of trying)
My internet is having a wobbly.
Lovely day here again and washing is wafting in the breeze .All's well at Shaneytowers and hope you are all OK .
Lol..I've got Mr S 24/7 and have had for the last ten years since he retired .
But he's a good stick .I do what I like really and he does as he's told :-)
BING BONG! Woofy please!
woofy you're with BT I think? Just realised I paid a year's line rental on this day last year but I've had no reminder or bill for a new one they normally send one? I don't want to be cut off!
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don't know Robi, mine is on a quarterly direct debit, sorry
oh righteeo woofy thanks...I pay my for broadband + calls monthly by DD but it's quite a saving if you pay a year's rental in advance. I suppose I'll have to brace myself and ring 1 self combust... :o(
Neti. We fly to Moscow from Heathrow BA Jumbo jet, are transported to the boat. Spend 2 nights moored just outside Moscow and have either a couple of guided tours or do as we like. Then we sail off down the waterways for 4/5 days stopping off at nice places until we reach St Petersburg where we have another two days and nights. What I like is that we don't have to keep packing and unpacking and have a 'home base'.

I would hate to go on a cruise liner with thousands on board, but just over 200 passengers sounds OK to me - and it's casual. No discos, etc. Just a few Russians entertaining us!!

I think I was mean about Mr LL this morning - it's just that I am used to doing things my way and he hangs the washing out and loads the dishwasher in a way that isn't to my satisfaction. He was very grumpy in the rainy weather because he hates indoors, but now he is virtually living outside and just coming in to eat and sleep. He is very, very brown and fit at the moment and Meggie is getting twice daily long walks. She is sulking at the moment as she has been severely told off for running off in the corn fields and not coming back when called.

I spent the weekend eating garlic!!! Loads of it
We changed from BT to Plus Net for both phone and broadband - ,yippee the service has been excellent, no Indian Call centres and cheaper bills. The Call centre staff are really helpful too and don't have set patter.
Tis done and paid...well, once I'd gone round the switchboard 3 times it was all pretty painless, haha.. I left my number and they called me back so no waiting in a queue. I've always been ok with BT and I don't think there's a much cheaper deal than the one I'm on. Limited broadband was a nuisance but this new puta of T's is fantastic, it uses far less than my old one...he said mine must have been doing things 'behind the scenes'...I bloomin well knew it had a mind of it's own.

Sun's gone in and it's very heavy and mower been and gone so if my legs and feet will stand it I'll go and.... ermmmm ...stare at it :o)
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I have done nothing today except fed the goldfish, eaten lunch and taken the dogs out and fed them and I am still in my PJ's (i got dressed to walk the dogs lol)
Lol ..Lofty .I leave the dishwasher to Mr S . He loads and unloads.I leave him to it .I've never yet come across a man who can hang washing out properly .
He knows better than to go near the washing .
On the odd occasion that he has pegged out ,when I had that gammy leg and couldn't walk ,he was flinging the towels over the line and putting one peg on them ....I ask you .
oh dear, my ankles appear to have disappeared. Good job I haven't got to squeeze into any glass slippers tonight...or any other.

One peg = no problems with them not matching shaney :o) I'm surprised neti hasn't used that method.
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well I went and had a good old potter in the garden and did some watering and Rab played THE GAME. Shughy thought he might play then decide against it.
ha ha I was pegging out sister's washing today and yes I was not matching up the pegs, I remarked on it, but then had to use purple ones for the purple towel but the rest was multicoloured, I am surprised at myself, but won't be able to do it at home. Mr N hangs washing in lumps, ie corner of the pants and they just hang there all crumpled. When I had my shoulder op, I was out there the second day on steps hanging it all correctly, no wonder I didn't heal for a while! and when I do get home all his washing is grey!!
sis and I were in gales of laughter this afternoon in Waitrose. They give you a token to pop into a charity of your choice, she said put it into the dementia one as we'll need that one day, so I put it in the disabled swimming one. At the lifts she asked which one so I said swimming and she said why not the dementia one, I said I forgot, and we hooted, as did many others, as I have a very loud laugh, and we had to explain.
btw, I sent you all a funny email, I liked it, obviously you do not have to send it to 5 others, I don't believe in all that.
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that's it...bed...haven't had your email yet Neti but my server is playing up.
Oight oight

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