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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Ciao, tutti! Mamma mia! Vietato fumare!
Morning all and buongiorno jno, Io non fumo ma potrei scoppiare in fiamme. Hai visto il mio lavoro a maglia?
Hope you had a good time.

Oh lawdy, are there any arms and legs in the spare parts cupboard? Yesterday and last night has just about finished me off.

I got your mail neti, lol, very good. Me & my sister are always in fits of laughter at something daft...we get stares sometimes, but only from people who never laugh in public of course. Quite often someone overhears us and joins in.
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Good morning all, bt have been playing silly b's and I just got my broadband back...going off to read a million emails
Hello all
Ciao Jno ,welcome back .Hope you had a good time .
You've missed the summer .It ended today .
Sudden drop in temperature here .Dull and cloudy out there .No wonder your arms and legs are playing up Robinia .
Nothing exciting going on here .
Hi Everybiddy and Jno Pleased to hear from you. Don't forget the usual Photos I look forward to.
Life here is a lot better today. Son sounded a lot better when I rang him this morning before I went out on some Retail therapy. I went first to Sainsburys 25% off everthing. Bought 1 summer weight dressing gown. White with posies all over.
Then I went to town and spent £72 in M&S...another dress. Don't know what's up with me. Will send a piccie in a bit if i can find one. Also I bought a top and a short black pencil skirt (just below the knee not mini) so that's me done for the Summer.
I had to do something different today, I just felt I didn't want to do the usual (Tai Chi and lunch) Maggie's op is today in fact I think she is still in the theatre. Her family have been told not to phone until 10 tonight.
I feel it must sound strange me doing what I've done ad poor Maggie there but I just felt I had to get out and in fact I'm glad I went becaus I met a lady at the bus stop I used to work at her shop when I was in my early thirties and we have been friends ever since and we also met at the bus station on the way back so we had another good chat. She too has had cancer. (Hodgins lymphoma (sp!)) and she had Chemo-therapy the year before last and is about to go for her 6 monthly review. Also her husband died last year of Vascular Dementia. So I was pleased to see her.
I'm sorry to go on a bit about really sad things.I'll try and cheer up soon. In fact next week I'm going to York on Tues to Friday so hopefully I'll come back with a tale or too!
I hope the 'usual', that you are all alright and that all aches and pains go away PDQ. I have been keeping up reading everything.
Have a good night all see yer later 'gater(s)
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Hello Jude. You do what you have to do to get through those just do.
Its been hot here today and sticky we were supposed to get some rain and didn't (bad) but it didn't thunder either (good)
I have been doing pottery about stuff. internet is still playing silly devils
Thanks Woofy. I meant to thank you the other day for your prayers for Steady. They must be working aas he's been much better today. I'm going to ring him again later to see how his day has been. He hasn't rang me so I suspect he's not so bad.
Pleased to hear your son is feeling better Jude and hope the operation goes well for Maggie .
I've been very, very virtuous today .I bet none of you can guess what I have .
First correct answer wins a cream cake .
Don't all rush at once
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very virtuous......hmmmmm......a clean house?
NOT had a creame cake Shaney!!
Maggie's op has gone as expected according to the hospital. Thanks.
Steady is a lot better but still getting his erratic heartbeats but he took some photos over the weekend pf the birds in his garden and this was on of a great tit feeding. Hope you like it.

Oight Oight All thanks for being there. x
My guess was that you hadn't had a cream cake Shaney!!
No correct answer as yet :)

Lovely picture Jude .
At least the op is over and I hope it's a good result.
This all sounds very much like this fibrillation which my brother gets .He has to go straight to A&E if he gets an attack but touch wood since he saw a cardiologist at Papworth and got different medication he's been OK .He had to have a lot of rigorous tests first though .
Oight Oight folks .
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Jude that is a brilliant picture.
I am glad to hear that Steady is continuing okay. These things take time to get sorted. I will keep bothering god about him and Maggie. Dogs had a lovely tear around in thick fog this morning.
Next door are getting their guttering replaced this week which will give the boys loads to bark about and I have to nip out for some shopping and to the PO as soon as its open. Then domestic day waiting for Sis to arrive, she will be getting a taxi as it was still too hot yesterday to shut the dogs in for any length of time.

Shaney.....have you emptied a wardrobe?
Good morning everyone, I seem to have missed yesterday, wonder where I was!!

Foggy here today, I don't mind but do want the carnival and street party to go ahead!

Bro in law is off to hospital about his other bad toe, dread the news.

Glad Steady is OK.

Do we know what shaney has done/eaten/worn? btw what was her butler called, and has he done a runner? She'll be needing her tiara for the celebrations!
that was a lovely photo, jude. Tits always fly away as soon as I pick up my camera. They must be photo-sensitive.

I have just had an email from Sydney Sis, who is marrying next week and may be emigrating to Bishop's Stortford thereafter. She is planning a honeymoon in Italy, on the Amalfi coast she hopes. I will have just missed her, by a week and hundreds of miles, but no doubt we will meet in Essex some day. Our mum was in Bari in the war (where I was last week) and I think went to Amalfi too.

Actually, when I picked up my mail on getting home, the top item was the wedding card I had mailed to Sydney. No explanation but they obviously thought it would be quicker and simpler to deliver it to the return address in tiny writing on the back, rather than the big address with the stamp and airmail sticker on the front.
actually, I think I have done her a grave injustice, she is across the border in posher Herts.
Morning all...I wish the weather people would make up their minds, the map on the tele has a massive black storm cloud over us but the website says no rain today. I'll throw some washing in then.

Jude I'm pleased Maggie's op went as planned, tell her we're thinking of her. And your son too, hope he feels a lot better, that's an amazing pic. My camera isn't anywhere near that good, small birds end up as a tiny silhouette in the distance.

Oh heck jno. I remember (in the days of snail mail) entering a competition on a postcard and having it returned to me instead of the destination, haha. If you find a packet addressed to Perth with an olympic top and a card in it can you mark it 'Robi's grandson' and repost it please.

Now, what's shaney been doing that's so virtuous?....walked past the chippy without going in?...walked past a handbag shop without going in?
I shall be trying to guess all day what Shaney has done that is so virtuous!!

Jude, glad the op went well for Maggie and that son is improving. Photo is beautiful?

Well, it's meant to be 15 degrees here and it's 23 and humid.

Am spitting feathers have tried to check in on-line and it says the facility is not available for our flight. Spent 45mins waiting for BA to answer the phone and the guy says he has no idea why I am getting that message, but at least he has managed to reserve me a couple of seats so that I get a aisle seat on the right can stick my gammy leg out in the aisle (and amuse myself tripping up other passengers).

Have loads to do today - I always leave things until the last minute!!

Be back later, after giving more thought to what Shaney did yesterday....................................
Oh and jno, nice to see you back. Son and future DIL are going to the Amalfi Coast for their honeymoon................. two months after they get married!!
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that's me back home, parcel posted to middle sis, I have sent her an M and S Jubilee mug and plate and two teatowels all tied up with Union Flag ribbon and a big shopper with a Union Flag on it just for fun. I now have a fridge full of goodies, rasps and strawberries, fresh crab and King prawns, jersey spuds, salad, melons and so on so no need to shop till after the hol if we don't want to. I have some laundry to do and I want a shower but Sus wont be here till about 6 tonight so i can have a quiet day.
Shaney.....virtuous......nope got me stumped.

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